什么会导致无法将 `int` 存储到 `IntField`?

What can cause failure to store an `int` to an `IntField`?

我有以下 MongonEngine 模型:

from app import db
from datetime import datetime
from mongoengine import signals

class PathEmbedded(db.EmbeddedDocument):
        To be embedded.

    _id = db.ObjectIdField(required=False)
    distance = db.IntField(required=False, min_value=0, default=0)
    meta = {
        "allow_inheritance": True,

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "Path '%s': %d m" % (self.id, self.distance)

class Path2(PathEmbedded, db.Document):
        Same as above, but standalone version to be stored in its own collection.

    _id = db.ObjectIdField()
    orig = db.ObjectIdField(required=True)
    dest = db.ObjectIdField(required=True)
    updateStamp = db.DateTimeField(required=True)
    ok_to_use = db.BooleanField(required=True, default=False)
    meta = {
        'indexes': [
                'fields': ['ok_to_use', 'orig', 'dest'],
                'cls': False,       # does this affect performance?!

    def pre_save(cls, sender, document, **kwargs):
        document.updateStamp = datetime.utcnow()

    def to_embedded(self):
            Converts the standalone Path instance into an embeddadle PathEmbedded instance.

        import json
        temp = json.loads(self.to_json())

        #remove the {"_cls": "Location"} key.
        #If we don't do this, the output will be a 'Location' instance, not a 'LocationEmbedded' instace

        return PathEmbedded().from_json(json.dumps(temp))

    def get_from_gmaps(self):
            Get distance from Google maps using the directions API and append to the 'paths' list.
            Return False on error or True on success.

            self.distance = 10,

        except Exception, e:
            print str(e)
            return False

            return True

# connect event hooks:
signals.pre_save.connect(Path2.pre_save, sender=Path2)

所以,在某些时候,我通过调用 get_from_gmaps():

from app.models.Path2 import Path2 as P
from bson import ObjectId

p=P(orig=ObjectId(), dest=ObjectId())


>>> p.get_from_gmaps()
ValidationError (Path2:54d34b97362499300a6ec3be) (10 could not be converted to int: ['distance'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "[...]app/models/Path2/get_from_gmaps.py", line 18, in get_from_gmaps
  File "[...]venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mongoengine/document.py", line 224, in save
  File "[...]venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mongoengine/base/document.py", line 323, in validate
    raise ValidationError(message, errors=errors)
ValidationError: ValidationError (Path2:54d34b97362499300a6ec3be) (10 could not be converted to int: ['distance'])

最初我正在存储一个从某些 json 解析并转换为 int 的整数,并认为那里有问题,但我用一个 int 值替换它进行调试,现在得到这个。我真的不知道从哪里开始o.O


您确定您发送的 self 模型是正确的吗?

当您在文档中声明了 ReferenceField 并尝试在保存引用文档之前保存此文档时抛出此 ValidationError(Mongoengine 将 MongoDB 中的引用字段表示为包含 class 和引用的 ObjectId).


self.distance = 10,

您正在将 distance 设置为包含 int 而不是 int 的元组。

提示: 您看到如此无用消息的原因是 MongoEngine 未正确使用 %s 格式字符串。事实上,"%s" % something 的结果取决于 something 的类型,因为元组是特殊情况。比较:

>>> '%s' % 10
>>> '%s' % (10,)
>>> '%s' % (10, 11)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
>>> '%s' % ((10,),)  # This is the correct way of formatting strings
'(10,)'              # when the type of the argument is unknown.

这当然是 MongoEngine 的问题,但如果你想避免代码中的同类错误,请记住始终在 % 运算符的右侧使用元组,或者更好地使用.format() 方法。