C# 不可变 class 子 class

C# Immutable class sub class


但是,由于您必须如何实现不可变 class,基本 class 方法 return 我的父类型,而不是我的子类型。是否有可能创建一个不可变 class 可以有子 class 是 return 子 class?

下面是 LinqPad 中 运行 的示例代码,演示了该问题

void Main()
    var immutable = new MyImmutable(new Dictionary<ImmutableKey, decimal>{
        { ImmutableKey.Key1, 1 },
        { ImmutableKey.Key2, -5 },
        { ImmutableKey.Key3, 1.25m },
    var immutable2 = new MyImmutable(new Dictionary<ImmutableKey, decimal>{
        { ImmutableKey.Key1, 1 },
        { ImmutableKey.Key2, 2 },
        { ImmutableKey.Key3, 3 },
    var added = immutable.Apply((a, b) => a + b, immutable2);
    var subImmutable1 = new SubImmutable(1, new Dictionary<ImmutableKey, decimal>{
        { ImmutableKey.Key1, 1 },
        { ImmutableKey.Key2, -5 },
        { ImmutableKey.Key3, 1.25m },
    var subImmutable2 = new SubImmutable(1, new Dictionary<ImmutableKey, decimal>{
        { ImmutableKey.Key1, 1 },
        { ImmutableKey.Key2, 2 },
        { ImmutableKey.Key3, 3 },
    var subImmutableAdded = subImmutable1.Apply((a, b) => a + b, subImmutable2);
    subImmutableAdded.GetType().Name.Dump(); //prints MyImmutable, it's not a SubImmutable
    //after adding two SubImmutables, the type is changed back to the base type
    var asSub = (SubImmutable)subImmutableAdded; // Unable to cast object of type 'MyImmutable' to type 'SubImmutable', SomeOtherValue was lost.

public enum ImmutableKey 

public class MyImmutable
    protected static readonly IEnumerable<ImmutableKey> AllKeys = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ImmutableKey)).Cast<ImmutableKey>();
    private Dictionary<ImmutableKey, decimal> _dict { get; set; }
    public MyImmutable(Dictionary<ImmutableKey,decimal> d)
        _dict = d;
    public decimal this[ImmutableKey key]
        if (_dict == null || !_dict.ContainsKey(key))
            return 0;

        return _dict[key];
    public MyImmutable Apply(Func<decimal, decimal, decimal> aggFunc, MyImmutable y)
        var aggregated = new Dictionary<ImmutableKey, decimal>(AllKeys.Count());
        foreach (ImmutableKey bt in AllKeys)
            aggregated[bt] = aggFunc(this[bt], y[bt]);
        return new MyImmutable(aggregated);

public class SubImmutable : MyImmutable
    public int SomeOtherValue { get; set; }
    public SubImmutable(int someValue, Dictionary<ImmutableKey,decimal> d)
        SomeOtherValue= someValue;






InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'MyImmutable' to type 'SubImmutable'.




在基础 class 中创建一个虚方法,该方法接受输入以创建基础的新实例 class 和 return 基础的新实例 class.然后在 subclass 中覆盖它以生成 subclass 需要的任何额外输入和 return subclass.

public class MyImmutable
    // other stuff

    // add this method
    protected virtual MyImmutable GetNew(Dictionary<ImmutableKey, decimal> d)
        return new MyImmutable(d);

    // modify this method as shown
    public MyImmutable Apply(Func<decimal, decimal, decimal> aggFunc, MyImmutable y)
        var aggregated = new Dictionary<ImmutableKey, decimal>(AllKeys.Count());
        foreach (ImmutableKey bt in AllKeys)
            aggregated[bt] = aggFunc(this[bt], y[bt]);
        return GetNew(aggregated);

public class SubImmutable : MyImmutable
    // other stuff

    // add this method
    protected override MyImmutable GetNew(Dictionary<ImmutableKey, decimal> d)
        return new SubImmutable(SomeOtherValue, d);



var one = new SubImmutable(1, alpha);
var two = new SubImmutable(2, alpha);
var test1 = one.Apply((a, b) => a + b, two);
var test2 = two.Apply((a, b) => a + b, one);
Console.WriteLine(test1[someKey] == test2[someKey]); // true
Console.WriteLine(test1.SomeOtherValue == test2.SomeOtherValue); // false

如果您希望 test1test2 具有相同的 SomeOtherValue,那么您必须将 Apply 方法设为虚拟方法,然后在子class.

结合不可变性和继承的主要问题之一是您希望像 Apply 这样的操作接受并调用派生 class 的 return 实例,而不是基础 class

那是你希望 MyImmutable.Apply 成为:
public MyImmutable Apply(Func<decimal, decimal, decimal> aggFunc, MyImmutable y)

public SubImmutable Apply(Func<decimal, decimal, decimal> aggFunc, SubImmutable y)

您可以通过创建一个抽象基础 class 巧妙地解决这个问题,所有具体的 classes(MyImmutable 和 SubImmutable)都从使用 'curiously recurring template pattern'


见下文,我还根据自己的喜好稍微更改了您的代码 :) 请注意,这里的 Dict 不是只读的,因此 classes 是公开的(因此有效地)不可变但在内部是可变的。

public enum ImmutableKey { Key1, Key2, Key3 }

abstract class MyImmutableBase<TDerived> where TDerived : MyImmutableBase<TDerived> {
  protected static readonly IEnumerable<ImmutableKey> AllKeys = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ImmutableKey)).Cast<ImmutableKey>();
  private ImmutableDictionary<ImmutableKey, decimal> Dict;

  public MyImmutableBase() => Dict = ImmutableDictionary<ImmutableKey, decimal>.Empty;

  protected abstract TDerived GetNew();

  public decimal this[ImmutableKey key] { get { if (Dict == null || !Dict.ContainsKey(key)) return 0; return Dict[key]; } }

  public TDerived Add(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<ImmutableKey, decimal>> d) {
    var res = GetNew();
    res.Dict = res.Dict.AddRange(d);
    return res;

  public TDerived Apply(Func<decimal, decimal, decimal> aggFunc, TDerived y) {
    var aggregated = ImmutableDictionary<ImmutableKey, decimal>.Empty;
    foreach (ImmutableKey bt in AllKeys) aggregated = aggregated.SetItem(bt, aggFunc(this[bt], y[bt]));
    return GetNew().Add(aggregated);

class MyImmutable : MyImmutableBase<MyImmutable> {
  protected override MyImmutable GetNew() => new();

class SubImmutable : MyImmutableBase<SubImmutable> {
  public int SomeOtherValue { get; init; }
  public SubImmutable(int someValue) : base() => SomeOtherValue = someValue;
  protected override SubImmutable GetNew() => new(SomeOtherValue);