如何销毁 SessionScoped bean 的对象

How to destroy the Object of a SessionScoped bean

我正在使用 SessionScoped 对象来保存网站的当前用户。例如,我想知道如何在单击按钮时在导航时销毁此对象。

请注意,我使用 CDI 进行注入,并且我注入了一个包含用户名和登录名的简单 bean 对象 User

一个SessionScoped bean depends on the HTTP session. If the HTTP session is destroyed (timeout or manually session invalidation), the SessionScopedbean的生命周期也会被破坏。

来自 SessionScoped 文档:

The session context is shared between all servlet requests that occur in the same HTTP session. The session context is destroyed when the HTTP session times out, after all HttpSessionListeners have been called, and at the very end of any request in which invalidate() was called, after all filters and ServletRequestListeners have been called.

如果您使用的是 JSF,请尝试:


它将使 HTTP 会话无效,并因此销毁与其关联的 bean。

您可以在此处找到更多信息 https://docs.jboss.org/weld/reference/latest/en-US/html/scopescontexts.html#_the_conversation_scope