如何将 MKPointAnnotation 保存到 Pars?
How do I save a MKPointAnnotation to Pars?
如何在 Parse 上保存我创建的 MKPointAnnotation
@IBAction func salvaRicordo(sender: AnyObject) {
let puntoRicordo = MKPointAnnotation()
puntoRicordo.coordinate = posizioneUtente
puntoRicordo.title = nomeField.text
puntoRicordo.subtitle = descrizioneField.text
print("PointAnnotation creato")
puntoRicordo.saveInBackgroundWithBlock {
(success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if (success) {
// The object has been saved.
} else {
// There was a problem, check error.description
您无法将 MKPointAnnotation
直接保存到 Parse。您可能希望保存其属性,例如 coordinate
和 subtitle
在 Parse 中,您可以创建一个新的 class,将其命名为 "Annotations",添加名为 "Title"、"Subtitle"、"Latitude" 和 [=25 的列=],并以这种方式保存您的数据:
let myObject = PFObject(className: "Annotations")
myObject["Title"] = nomeField.text
myObject["Subtitle"] = descrizioneField.text
myObject["Latitude"] = puntoRicordo.latitude
myObject["Longitude"] = puntoRicordo.longitude
myObject.saveInBackgroundWithBlock {
(success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if (success) {
print("Data saved to Parse.")
} else {
如何在 Parse 上保存我创建的 MKPointAnnotation
@IBAction func salvaRicordo(sender: AnyObject) {
let puntoRicordo = MKPointAnnotation()
puntoRicordo.coordinate = posizioneUtente
puntoRicordo.title = nomeField.text
puntoRicordo.subtitle = descrizioneField.text
print("PointAnnotation creato")
puntoRicordo.saveInBackgroundWithBlock {
(success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if (success) {
// The object has been saved.
} else {
// There was a problem, check error.description
您无法将 MKPointAnnotation
直接保存到 Parse。您可能希望保存其属性,例如 coordinate
和 subtitle
在 Parse 中,您可以创建一个新的 class,将其命名为 "Annotations",添加名为 "Title"、"Subtitle"、"Latitude" 和 [=25 的列=],并以这种方式保存您的数据:
let myObject = PFObject(className: "Annotations")
myObject["Title"] = nomeField.text
myObject["Subtitle"] = descrizioneField.text
myObject["Latitude"] = puntoRicordo.latitude
myObject["Longitude"] = puntoRicordo.longitude
myObject.saveInBackgroundWithBlock {
(success: Bool, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if (success) {
print("Data saved to Parse.")
} else {