FLWOR XQuery to return 唯一的单词组合,以及组合出现的次数,按出现频率降序排列

FLWOR XQuery to return only unique words combinition, and the number of times the combinition occured, sorted in descending order of frequency

我正在制作一个包含 XQuery FLWOR 表达式的文件,其中 return 包含文件集合中单词 'we' 的所有出现,以及每个案例。我想用 'distinct-value()' 来消除重复的单词组合。我还想计算这个单词组合出现的次数,按频率降序排列。

这是我正在处理的 XML 文件

<u who="PS6H7">
<s n="3">
    <w c5="AV0" hw="well" pos="ADV">Well</w>
    <c c5="PUN">, </c>
    <w c5="AJ0" hw="good" pos="ADJ">good </w>
    <w c5="NN1" hw="afternoon" pos="SUBST">afternoon</w>
    <c c5="PUN">, </c>
    <w c5="PNI" hw="everybody" pos="PRON">everybody</w>
    <c c5="PUN">, </c>
    <w c5="PNP" hw="i" pos="PRON">I </w>
    <w c5="VVB" hw="think" pos="VERB">think </w>
    <w c5="PNP" hw="we" pos="PRON">we</w>
    <w c5="VHD" hw="have" pos="VERB">'d </w>
    <w c5="AV0" hw="well" pos="ADV">better </w>
    <w c5="VVI" hw="get" pos="VERB">get </w>
    <w c5="VVN" hw="start" pos="VERB">started</w>
    <c c5="PUN">.</c>

<s n="4">
    <w c5="PNP" hw="we" pos="PRON">We </w>
    <w c5="VVD" hw="look" pos="VERB">looked </w>
    <w c5="AV0" hw="so" pos="ADV">so </w>
    <w c5="AJ0" hw="thin" pos="ADJ">thin </w>
    <w c5="PRP" hw="on" pos="PREP">on </w>
    <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">the </w>
    <w c5="NN1" hw="ground" pos="SUBST">ground</w>
    <c c5="PUN">, </c>
    <w c5="PNP" hw="i" pos="PRON">I </w>
    <w c5="VVD" hw="think" pos="VERB">thought </w>
    <w c5="PNP" hw="we" pos="PRON">we</w>
    <w c5="VM0" hw="would" pos="VERB">'d </w>
    <w c5="VVI" hw="sit" pos="VERB">sit </w>
    <w c5="CJC" hw="and" pos="CONJ">and </w>
    <w c5="VVI" hw="wait" pos="VERB">wait </w>
    <w c5="CJC" hw="and" pos="CONJ">and </w>
    <w c5="VVI" hw="see" pos="VERB">see </w>
    <w c5="CJS" hw="if" pos="CONJ">if </w>
    <w c5="PNI" hw="everyone" pos="PRON">everyone</w>
    <w c5="VBZ" hw="be" pos="VERB">'s </w>
    <w c5="VVG-AJ0" hw="come" pos="VERB">coming</w>
    <c c5="PUN">, </c>
    <w c5="CJC" hw="but" pos="CONJ">but </w>
    <w c5="UNC" hw="erm" pos="UNC">erm </w>
    <w c5="PNP" hw="we" pos="PRON">we</w>
    <w c5="VM0" hw="will" pos="VERB">'ll </w>
    <w c5="VHI" hw="have" pos="VERB">have </w>
    <w c5="TO0" hw="to" pos="PREP">to </w>
    <w c5="VVI" hw="get" pos="VERB">get </w>
    <w c5="VVN" hw="start" pos="VERB">started </w>
    <w c5="AV0" hw="anyway" pos="ADV">anyway</w>
    <c c5="PUN">.</c>

<s n="5">
    <w c5="PNP" hw="we" pos="PRON">We</w>
    <w c5="VM0" hw="will" pos="VERB">'ll </w>
    <w c5="VVI" hw="welcome" pos="VERB">welcome</w>
    <c c5="PUN">, </c>
    <w c5="PNP" hw="we" pos="PRON">we </w>
    <w c5="VHB" hw="have" pos="VERB">have </w>
    <w c5="CRD" hw="two" pos="ADJ">two </w>
    <w c5="NN2" hw="speaker" pos="SUBST">speakers</w>
    <c c5="PUN">, </c>
    <w c5="NP0" hw="mr" pos="SUBST">Mr </w>
    <w c5="NP0" hw="bob" pos="SUBST">Bob </w>
    <w c5="NP0" hw="plumtree" pos="SUBST">Plumtree</w>
    <c c5="PUN">, </c>
    <w c5="CJC" hw="and" pos="CONJ">and </w>
    <w c5="NP0" hw="ms" pos="SUBST">Ms </w>
    <w c5="NP0" hw="erica" pos="SUBST">Erica </w>
    <w c5="NP0" hw="ison" pos="SUBST">Ison</w>
    <c c5="PUN">.</c>

<s n="6">
    <w c5="PNP" hw="we" pos="PRON">We </w>
    <w c5="VVD" hw="ask" pos="VERB">asked </w>
    <w c5="PNP" hw="they" pos="PRON">them </w>
    <w c5="PRP" hw="to" pos="PREP">to </w>
    <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">the </w>
    <w c5="NN1" hw="meeting" pos="SUBST">meeting </w>
    <w c5="CJC" hw="and" pos="CONJ">and </w>
    <w c5="PNP" hw="we" pos="PRON">we </w>
    <w c5="VVB" hw="look" pos="VERB">look </w>
    <w c5="AV0" hw="forward" pos="ADV">forward </w>
    <w c5="PRP" hw="to" pos="PREP">to </w>
    <w c5="VVG-NN1" hw="listen" pos="VERB">listening </w>
    <w c5="PRP" hw="to" pos="PREP">to </w>
    <w c5="PNP" hw="you" pos="PRON">you </w>
    <w c5="AV0" hw="later" pos="ADV">later </w>
    <w c5="AVP" hw="on" pos="ADV">on </w>
    <w c5="PRP" hw="in" pos="PREP">in </w>
    <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">the </w>
    <w c5="NN1" hw="agenda" pos="SUBST">agenda</w>
    <c c5="PUN">.</c>

<s n="7">
    <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">The </w>
    <w c5="NN2" hw="minute" pos="SUBST">minutes </w>
    <w c5="PRF" hw="of" pos="PREP">of </w>
    <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">the </w>
    <w c5="NN1" hw="meeting" pos="SUBST">meeting </w>
    <w c5="VVD-VVN" hw="hold" pos="VERB">held </w>
    <w c5="PRP" hw="in" pos="PREP">in </w>
    <w c5="NP0" hw="january" pos="SUBST">January</w>
    <c c5="PUN">.</c>

<s n="8">
    <w c5="DT0" hw="any" pos="ADJ">Any </w>
    <w c5="NN2" hw="correction" pos="SUBST">corrections </w>
    <w c5="PRP" hw="to" pos="PREP">to </w>
    <w c5="AT0" hw="the" pos="ART">the </w>
    <w c5="NN2" hw="minute" pos="SUBST">minutes </w>
    <w c5="ORD" hw="first" pos="ADJ">first</w>
    <c c5="PUN">?</c>


这是我的 FLWOR XQuery 文件。它 return 包含文件集合中单词 'we' 的所有出现,以及每种情况下句子中下一个出现的单词。但它包含许多重复的单词组合。 distinct-values() 无法正常工作。每行中的计数函数 return 1。

结果,我想要 HTML table 在第 1 列中显示单词 'we',在第 2 列中显示 'we' 之后出现的单词以及组合出现在第 3 列的频率或次数

<table border='1'>

for $x in doc("KS0.xml")//u//s//w
where lower-case(normalize-space($x))="we"
return <tr>


XQuery 1.0 中的分组有点复杂,我不确定我是否理解您想要的结果,但这里有一个建议:

<table border='1'>

let $s := "we"
let $x := doc("KS0.xml")//u//s//w[lower-case(normalize-space()) = $s]
for $w in distinct-values($x/following-sibling::w[1])
let $g := $x/following-sibling::w[1][. = $w]
order by count($g) descending
return <tr>
