epoll_wait() 块打印到标准输出

epoll_wait() blocks prints to stdout

当使用 epoll_wait 时,它似乎 "eat" 写入 stdout 的所有内容并延迟打印直到 epoll_wait 收到事件之后,即使我尝试过在调用与 epoll 相关的任何内容之前打印(它甚至可能在我的主要方法的开头,它仍然不会被打印)。

直到 epoll_wait 收到事件后才会显示的打印示例:

printf("This doesn't get printed. ");
fprintf(stdout, "This doesn't get printed either.");
ev.events = EPOLLIN;
ev.data.fd = some_sock_fd; // Same with STDIN_FILENO
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, some_sock_fd, &ev) == -1) {

for (;;) {
    rc = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, &ev, 1, -1);
    // This is where it gets printed

写入 stderr 正常,但如何写入 stdout?如何防止 epoll_wait 阻止打印到 stdout

这个问题似乎与 epoll_wait 无关。以下是违规代码的摘要:

// Since there's no newline, the following stays in the buffer
printf("Some print without newline.");

for (;;) {
    // At this point, the buffer has not been flushed,
    // and epoll_wait blocks the output
    rc = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, &ev, 1, -1);

使用fflush(stdout) 此代码的解决方案,因为缓冲与epoll_wait无关,但与用户如何-space 缓冲区标准输出:

// Since there's no newline, the following stays in the buffer
printf("Some print without newline.");

// Forces a write of user-space buffered data for stdout

for (;;) {
    // At this point, the buffer has not been flushed,
    // and epoll_wait blocks the output
    rc = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, &ev, 1, -1);
