尝试使用 while 循环来保持循环直到用户输入 n (Java)

Trying to use a while loop to keep looping until user puts in n (Java)

我正在尝试使用 while 循环不断询问用户是否需要帕斯卡三角形的某一行。我不知道我的 while 循环放在哪里。

我想问另一个(y/n)?如果用户输入 y,我会询问 Which line number of pascal's triangle?


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class PascalTriangle
   public static void main(String[] args) 
   Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
   System.out.print("Which line number of pascal's triangle ? ");
   int rowToCompute = scanner.nextInt();   
   System.out.println("Line " + rowToCompute + " of Pascal's Triangle is " + Arrays.toString(computeRow(rowToCompute)));
   System.out.println("Another (y/n)?");
   String another = scanner.nextLine();

      System.out.print("Which line number of pascal's triangle ? ");

public static int[] computeRow(int rowToCompute)
  if(rowToCompute == 1) 
    int[] arr1 = new int[1];    
      arr1[0] = 1;
    return arr1;

     int[] lastRow = computeRow(rowToCompute - 1);
     int[] thisRow = computeNextRow(lastRow);

       return thisRow;

}//ends computeRow method

public static int[] computeNextRow(int[] previousRow)
     int[] newAr = new int[previousRow.length + 1];

     newAr[0] = 1;
     newAr[previousRow.length] = 1;

     for(int i = 1; i < previousRow.length; i++)
        newAr[i] = previousRow[i-1] + previousRow[i];

      return newAr;
  }//ends computeNextRow method 

}//end pascal triangle class


public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

    while (true) { // infinity loop, because you want ask many times
        System.out.print("Which line number of pascal's triangle ? ");
        int rowToCompute = scanner.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Line " + rowToCompute + " of Pascal's Triangle is " + Arrays.toString(computeRow(rowToCompute)));

        System.out.println("Another (y/n)?");
        String another = scanner.next();

        if (!another.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { // if answer is other then 'y', break the loop