为银行程序找出 readin/writeout 的问题

Issues figuring out readin/writeout for a bank program

我正在尝试制作一个银行程序,可以从文本文件中读取用户名和密码,并将其与用户输入的内容进行比较。我已经搜索并尝试了几种不同的方法,但我似乎无法让它发挥作用。很抱歉,如果这是重新 post,我就是想不通。 我对编码很陌生,所以请原谅我的错误。

我的文本文件名为:"Account.txt" 它在第一行包含 "username",然后在第二行包含 "userpassword"。

Hunter Walker 11/10/2015
Banking Application with Input validation
Assignment 2

#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
char input1, input2;
string username,userpassword, newusername, newuserpassword;
string customuser, custompass;
double amountin, amountout;
double total = 0;

//Function declarations
int bankingmenu();
int newaccount();
int login();
int main();
int mainmenu();
int deposit();
int withdraw();
int showbalance();
//Code to read from file

// The main menu for the banking application
int mainmenu()
 cout << "Hi! Welcome to Future Computer Programmer ATM Machine!" << endl;
 cout << "Please select an option from the menu below:" << endl;
 cout << "l -> Login " << endl;
 cout << "c -> Create New Account " << endl;
 cout << "q -> Quit " << endl;
 cin >> input1;
 return 0;
// Function to allow the user to make a new account
int newaccount()
    cout << "**********************************" << endl;
    cout << "Welcome to the create an account menu!" << endl;
    cout << "Please enter your desired username:" << endl;
    cin >> newusername;
    cout << "Please enter a password for your account:" << endl;
    cin >> newuserpassword;
    cout << "Thank you for creating an account with Future Computer Programmer ATM Machine!" << endl;
    cout << "Your username is " << newusername << " and your password is " << newuserpassword << "." << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Reminder: Don't share your username or password with anyone." << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "**********************************" << endl;
// Function to allow user to login to their account
int login()

    cout << "Please enter username:" << endl;
    cin >> username;
    cout << "Please enter password:" << endl;
    cin >> userpassword;
    ifstream inputFile;

    cout << customuser << " " << custompass << endl;

    if (customuser == username && custompass == userpassword)

        cout << "User name or password incorrect!" << endl;
        cout << "Returning to main menu!" << endl;
        return main();
    return 0;
// The secondary menu for withdrawing/depositing/ or checking balance
int bankingmenu()
cout << "*******************************" << endl;
cout << "Please select an option from the menu below::" << endl;
cout << " d -> Deposit Money" << endl;
cout << " w -> Withdraw Money" << endl;
cout << " r -> Request Balance" << endl;
cout << " q -> Quit" << endl;
    cin >> input2;
    if (input2 == 'd')
    else if (input2 == 'w')
    else if (input2 == 'r')
    else if (input2 == 'q')
    cout << "Returning to main menu! " << endl;

    return main();
        cout << "Please select a valid input and try again!" << endl;
        return bankingmenu();
    return 0;

// Function to allow to deposit to account
int deposit()
   cout << "Please enter the amount of money you wish to deposit:" << endl;
  cin >> amountin;
  total = amountin + total;
  cout << "The deposit was a success! Thanks for using Future Computer Programmer ATM Machine!" << endl;
  return bankingmenu();
// Function to allow user to withdraw from account
int withdraw()
cout << "Please enter the amount you would like to withdraw:" << endl;
cin >> amountout;
if (total < amountout)
cout << "You can't withdraw more money than you have!" << endl;
cout << "Please select a different amount to withdraw." << endl;
return withdraw();
cout << "The amount has been withdrawn." << endl;
total = total - amountout;
return bankingmenu();
// Function to display the balance
int showbalance()
cout << "The balance in your account is $" << total << "." << endl;
return bankingmenu();

// The main function that calls all previous functions to run
int main()

// Option to login
if (input1 == 'l')
// Option to make a new account
else if (input1 == 'c')
// Option to exit program
else if (input1 == 'q')
    cout << "Thanks for using the Future Computer Programmer ATM Machine! " << endl;
    cout << "The program will now exit!" << endl;
    return 0;
// Input validation
    cout << "Please select a valid menu option and try again!" << endl;
    return main();

return 0;

在 newAccount 函数中,您必须使用以下代码行存储用户名和密码。

ofstream outfile;




