在 table 中找不到列名关键字

Could not find a column name keyword in the table

我已经用 BDD C# Cucumber 编写了我的第一个功能文件。我的代码构建成功。我通过右键单击场景名称并从下拉列表中选择 运行 选定测试来 运行 Test Explorer 中的功能。浏览器打开并导航到该网站。但是随后在测试资源管理器中显示以下错误:

Message: System.indexOutOfRangeException: Could not find a column named 'keyword' in the table.

table 看起来像这样:

| Keyword  |
| PS4      |


Feature: PS4 Search

Scenario: Verify the search Functionality of Search page    
Given I navigate to the page "http://localhost:8080/company"
And I see the page is loaded
When I enter Search Keyword in the Search Text box
| Keyword  |
| PS4      |
And I click on Search Button
Then Search items shows the items related to PS4


using System;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace PS4SearchTest
    public class PS4SearchSteps
        IWebDriver driver;

    [Given(@"I navigate to the page ""(.*)""")]
    public void GivenINavigateToThePage(string p0)
        driver = new FirefoxDriver();


    [Given(@"I see the page is loaded")]
    public void GivenISeeThePageIsLoaded()
        Assert.AreEqual("PS4", driver.Title);

    [When(@"I enter Search Keyword in the Search Text box")]
    public void WhenIEnterSearchKeywordInTheSearchTextBox(Table table)
        string search_text = table.Rows[0]["keyword"].ToString();

    [When(@"I click on Search Button")]
    public void WhenIClickOnSearchButton()

    [Then(@"Search items shows the items related to PS4")]
    public void ThenSearchItemsShowsTheItemsRelatedToSpecFlow()
        Assert.AreEqual("PS4", driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//h3/a")).Text);

为什么找不到参数PS4?我的 table 参数语法不正确吗?


Could not find a column named 'keyword' in the table.

您的 table 有 Keyword,但在您的代码中您正在寻找 keyword


string search_text = table.Rows[0]["keyword"].ToString();

string search_text = table.Rows[0]["Keyword"].ToString();