如何仅通过在 F# 中使用递归来编写此函数?

How can I write this function only by using recursion in F#?

let rec n_cartesian_product = function
    | [] -> [[]]
    | x :: xs ->
      let rest = n_cartesian_product xs 
      List.concat (List.map (fun i -> List.map (fun rs -> i :: rs) rest) x)

您好!我写了这个函数,但我需要在不使用任何 List.* 内置函数的情况下编写它。由于有一个调用外部函数的内部函数,我假设我必须定义两个相互递归的函数。

定义一个 concat 函数似乎很简单:

let rec list_concat ( lst : 'a list list ) : 'a list =
match lst with 
[]    -> []
|x::xs  -> x @ (list_concat xs)

问题是,我被困在产生 concat 参数的函数的定义上:

let rec fun_i rest =
    match rest with
    [] -> []
    |x::xs -> fun_rs

and fun_rs =
fun_i :: fun_rs





[["A"; "B"; "C"]; ["A"; "B"; "c"]; ["A"; "b"; "C"]; ["A"; "b"; "c"];
 ["a"; "B"; "C"]; ["a"; "B"; "c"]; ["a"; "b"; "C"]; ["a"; "b"; "c"]]


要递归定义 n 笛卡尔积,最简单的方法就是对原始(非递归)示例中使用的函数进行递归定义:

let rec list_concat lst =
    match lst with 
    |[]    -> []
    |x::xs  -> x @ (list_concat xs)

let rec list_map f lst =
    match lst with
    |[] -> []
    |x::xs -> (f x) :: list_map f xs

let rec n_cartesian_product = 
    | [] -> [[]]
    | x :: xs ->
      let rest = n_cartesian_product xs 
      list_concat (list_map (fun head -> list_map (fun tail -> head :: tail) rest) x)

就 F# 中的惯用编写而言,最好使用更通用的函数(如 fold)编写,而不是使用显式递归编写大量自定义函数。所以,你可以定义一些额外的功能:

let list_collect f = list_concat << list_map f

let rec list_fold f acc lst =
    match lst with
    |[] -> acc
    |hd::tl -> list_fold f (f acc hd) tl

let n_cartesian_product_folder rest first = 
    list_collect (fun head -> list_map (fun tail -> head :: tail) rest) first


let n_cartesian_product2 lst = list_fold (n_cartesian_product_folder) [[]] lst

如果我们使用 F# 核心库函数(而不是自定义递归实现),这种方法将涉及更多标准代码,并且出错更少。

笛卡尔积 (我将把这部分留在这里,因为显然它很有用)

定义一个函数,它接受 'a 的列表并生成 'b * 'a 的列表,其中类型 'b 的所有内容都是一些提供的元素 y

/// take a list of 'a and make a list of (y, 'a)
let rec tuplify y lst =
    match lst with
    |[] -> []
    |x::xs -> (y, x) :: (tuplify y xs)

然后定义一个递归遍历我的两个列表的函数,在第一个列表和整个第二个列表的当前元素上调用 tuplify,并通过对笛卡尔积的递归调用进行连接。

/// cartesian product of two lists
let rec cartesianProduct lst1 lst2 =
    match lst1 with
    |[] -> []
    |x::xs -> tuplify x lst2 @ (cartesianProduct xs lst2)