Google 测试多模板 - 编译器错误

Google Test multi-templates - compiler error


编辑: 我再次更新代码(考虑到 Marko Popovic 的评论):

#include <iostream>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"

template <typename A>
struct whoami { void tellme(){printf("I do not know!");} };
template <>
struct whoami<int> { void tellme(){printf("I am an integer!");} };
template <>
struct whoami<char> { void tellme(){printf("I am a character!");} };
template <>
struct whoami<bool> { void tellme(){printf("I am a boolean!");} };

template <class A, class B>
struct TypeDefs
  typedef typename A firstType;
  typedef typename B secondType;

template <class T>
class ATestExample : public testing::Test
  ATestExample() {}
  virtual ~ATestExample(){ }

typedef ::testing::Types <TypeDefs<char,char>, TypeDefs<int,int> > MyTypeList;

TYPED_TEST_CASE(ATestExample, MyTypeList);
TYPED_TEST(ATestExample, DefaultConstructor)
  whoami<TypeParam::firstType> info;


int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
  return RUN_ALL_TESTS();


debuging.cpp(..): error: a class or namespace qualified name is required

debuging.cpp(..): error: a class or namespace qualified name is required

debuging.cpp(..): error: nontype "gtest_TypeParam_::firstType" is not a type name
          detected during:
            implicit generation of "ATestExample_DefaultConstructor_Test<gtest_TypeParam_>::~ATestExample_DefaultConstructor_Test() [with gtest_TypeParam_=TypeDefs<char, char>]" 
gtest/gtest.h(7209): here
            instantiation of class "ATestExample_DefaultConstructor_Test<gtest_TypeParam_> [with gtest_TypeParam_=TypeDefs<char, char>]" 
gtest/gtest.h(7209): here
            implicit generation of "ATestExample_DefaultConstructor_Test<gtest_TypeParam_>::ATestExample_DefaultConstructor_Test() [with gtest_TypeParam_=TypeDefs<char, char>]" 
gtest/gtest.h(7209): here
            instantiation of class "ATestExample_DefaultConstructor_Test<gtest_TypeParam_> [with gtest_TypeParam_=TypeDefs<char, char>]" 

编辑 2: 解决方案是 "typename":

template <class A, class B>
struct TypeDefs
  typedef A firstType;
  typedef B secondType;

template <class T>
class ATestExample : public testing::Test
  ATestExample() {}
  virtual ~ATestExample(){ }

typedef ::testing::Types <TypeDefs<cpu,char>, TypeDefs<gpu,int> > MyTypeList;

TYPED_TEST_CASE(ATestExample, MyTypeList);
TYPED_TEST(ATestExample, DefaultConstructor)
  whoami<typename TypeParam::firstType> info;


你有两个错误。第一个是你已经命名了你的模板 struct Types,与 ::testing::Types 一起使用时会产生问题。 假设您将其重命名为 TypeDefs。然后,在测试主体中声明 typedef 时出错,因为您没有指定模板参数。您必须这样做:

typedef TypeDefs<char, int>::firstType someType;


whoami<TypeParam::firstType> info;