如何使用 Moshi 将 int 数组反序列化为自定义 class?

How to deseralize an int array into a custom class with Moshi?

我使用 Moshi 反序列化以下 JSON 文件:

    "display": "Video 1",
    "isTranslated": false,
    "videoSize": [


public class Stream {

    public final String display;
    public final boolean isTranslated;
    public final int[] videoSize;

    public Stream(String display,
                  boolean isTranslated,
                  int[] videoSize) {
        this.display = display;
        this.isTranslated = isTranslated;
        this.videoSize = videoSize;



现在,我想 替换 int[] 为专用的 VideoSize class ,它将两个整数值映射到命名字段如:

public class VideoSize {

    public final int height;
    public final int width;

    public VideoSize(int width, int height) {
        this.height = height;
        this.width = width;


custom type adapter 或其他方式是否可行?


public class VideoSizeAdapter {

    int[] toJson(VideoSize videoSize) {
        return new int[]{videoSize.width, videoSize.height};

    VideoSize fromJson(int[] dimensions) throws Exception {
        if (dimensions.length != 2) {
            throw new Exception("Expected 2 elements but was " + 
        int width = dimensions[0];
        int height = dimensions[1];
        return new VideoSize(width, height);
