DOMXpath & PHP:如何将一堆 <li> 包裹在 <ul> 中

DOMXpath & PHP: how to wrap a bunch of <li> inside an <ul>

我有一个 html 文档,带有这个不太好的标记,没有 'ul':

<li class='item'>...</li>
<li class='item'>...</li>
<li class='item'>...</li>

我现在正在尝试 "grab" 所有 li 元素并将它们包装在一个 ul 列表中,我想使用 PHP 和 DOMXPath 将它们放在同一位置。我设法找到并 "remove" li 元素:

$elements =  $xpath->query('//li[@class="item"]');

$wrapper = $document->createElement('ul');
foreach($elements as $child) {

这是您需要的。您可能需要为您的真实 HTML.

调整 XPath 查询
$document = new DOMDocument;

// We don't want to bother with white spaces
$document->preserveWhiteSpace = false;

$html = <<<EOT
<li class='item'>...</li>
<li class='item'>...</li>
<li class='item'>last...</li>


$xpath = new DOMXPath($document);

$elements =  $xpath->query('//li[@class="item"]');

// Saves a reference to the Node that is positioned right after our li's
$ref = $xpath->query('//li[@class="item"][last()]')->item(0)->nextSibling;

$wrapper = $document->createElement('ul');
foreach($elements as $child) {

$ref->parentNode->insertBefore($wrapper, $ref);

echo $document->saveHTML();

运行 示例:


$html = <<<HTML
<li class='item'>...</li>
<li class='item'>...</li>
<li class='item'>...</li>
$doc = new DOMDocument();

$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);

$elements = $xpath->query('//li[@class="item"]');

$wrapper = $doc->createElement('ul');
    $wrapper, $elements->item(0)

foreach($elements as $child) {

echo $doc->saveHTML();
