BiFunction 引用可以传递给需要功能接口的方法吗?

Can BiFunction references be passed to methods expecting a functional interface?

我一直只使用 Java 6,现在正赶上了解 Java 8 中的新功能。我在这里阅读了这篇文章:


The Java API defines several generic functional interfaces in the java.util.function package. One of the interfaces, BiFunction, describes functions with parameter types T and U and return type R. You can save our string comparison lambda in a variable of that type:

BiFunction<String, String, Integer> comp 
    = (first, second) ->, second.length()); 

However, that does not help you with sorting. There is no Arrays.sort method that wants a BiFunction. If you have used a functional programming language before, you may find this curious. But for Java programmers, it's pretty natural. An interface such as Comparator has a specific purpose, not just a method with given parameter and return types. Java 8 retains this flavor. When you want to do something with lambda expressions, you still want to keep the purpose of the expression in mind, and have a specific functional interface for it.

但是,当我看到这个帖子时: How do you assign a lambda to a variable in Java 8?




这篇文章在某种意义上是正确的,您不能根据 BiFunction 类型的 object 进行排序,但您始终可以使用 Comparator。但是,嘿,他们可以有相同的 body。例如:

private static void sort(Comparator<String> ls){
        Arrays.sort(someArray, ls);

Comparator<String> comp = (String f1, String f2) ->, f2.length());

BiFunction<String, String, Integer> func = (String f1, String f2) ->, f2.length());
sort((String f1, String f2) ->, f2.length())); //line-4

sort(func) // compiler error

在第 4 行上方,您可以传递与 func 完全相同的 lambda。但是你仍然无法将 func 传递给 sort。 java8 中的 Lambda 是一些 FunctionalInterface 的实现。功能接口根据其引用类型获取其类型。这就是初始化时相同的 lambda 可以是 BiFunctionComparator.


但是一旦构建了 lambda 并确定了类型,就无法更改它。因此,您不能将 BiFunction 类型的 func 传递给需要 Comparator


我在链接的 SO 答案中没有看到任何与文章相矛盾的内容。


如果将变量声明为 BiFunction<String,String,Integer> bifunc,将不允许将其传递给需要 Comparator<String> 的方法,因为 BiFunction<String,String,Integer> 不是 子类型Comparator<String>


如果你想从 BiFunction 中得到一个 Comparator,你所要做的就是像这样添加 ::apply

BiFunction<String,String,Integer> bifunc = (a,b) -> 
                     , b.length());

Arrays.sort(array, bifunc::apply);  

这篇文章是正确的。你不能分配例如一个 BiFunction 到一个 Comparator

话虽如此,Brian Goetz 撰写的这篇 great article 很好地解释了这个问题。

When the compiler encounters a lambda expression, it first lowers (desugars) the lambda body into a method whose argument list and return type match that of the lambda expression

所以,lambda 可以脱糖 - 但这是什么意思?好吧,基本上这意味着(可能)创建了一种以某种方式与 lamdba 相匹配的新方法。

class A {
    public void foo() {
        List<String> list = ...
        list.forEach( s -> { System.out.println(s); } );


class A {
    public void foo() {
        List<String> list = ...
        list.forEach( [lambda for lambda as Consumer] );

    static void lambda(String s) {

因此,在 BiFunctionComparator 的情况下。提供的 lambda 可以分配给两者:

// Assign the lambda to a BiFunction
BiFunction<String, String, Integer> b1 =
        (first, second) ->, second.length());

// Assign the lambda to a Comparator
Comparator<String> c1 =
        (first, second) ->, second.length());

// But, once the lambda has been assigned to a type you can not reassign it
BiFunction<String, String, Integer> b2 = c1; // <-- Error

请注意,一旦将 lambda 分配给一个类型(BiFunctionComparator),就不能重新分配它,即使 lambda 表达式匹配.