如何在 C++ 中使用 "interface"

How to use "interface" in C++


#include "Preference.h"

#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <exception>

namespace MedicalStudentMatcher
    class PreferenceException: public std::exception
        PreferenceException(std::string message) : m_message(message) {}

        virtual ~PreferenceException() { }

        virtual const char* what() const throw()
            return m_message.c_str();

        std::string m_message;


    class PreferenceReader
        PreferenceReader(std::string filename);
        virtual ~PreferenceReader();

        std::list<Preference<std::string, std::string>> ReadPreferences();

        std::string m_filename;

        std::string trim(std::string str);

1.构造函数是如何工作的? (请记住,我是 C++ 中的 STL 以及 C++ 中任何一种高级方法的新手)
2.解释what()函数的语法。(为什么有两个const然后一个char *然后一个throw)
3. 下面一行是什么意思

std::list<Preference<std::string, std::string>> ReadPreferences();


list<Preference<string, string>> hospitalPrefs = hospitalReader.ReadPreferences();
    list<Preference<string, string>> studentPrefs = studentReader.ReadPreferences();
    list<Match<string, string>> matches;

5。模板 class 在以下情况下如何工作
以及首选项 class 如何使用它。什么是 P m_preferrer declare ? "initialisation list" 在这种情况下如何工作?

template <class P, class O>
    class Preference
        P   m_preferrer;
        O   m_preferred;
        int m_value;

        Preference(const P& preferrer, const O& preferred, int value) : m_preferrer(preferrer), m_preferred(preferred), m_value(value) {}
        virtual ~Preference() {}

        P   getPreferrer() const { return m_preferrer; }
        O   getPreferred() const { return m_preferred; }
        int getValue()     const { return m_value; }


    template <class P, class O> 
    bool less_than(const Preference<P, O>& p1, const Preference<P, O>& p2)
        return p1.getValue() < p2.getValue();


  1. PreferenceException 构造函数使用 "initialization list" 来设置 m_message。现在您已经知道该术语,可以搜索它以了解更多信息。
  2. virtual const char* what() const throw() 声明 "A virtual (runtime polymorphic) function which returns a pointer to (an array of) characters, where that pointer cannot be used to modify those characters." 尾随 "const throw()" 表示 "This function cannot modify its implicit this argument, i.e. it cannot modify the instance of the class on which it was called, and it cannot throw any exceptions."
  3. 那是一个成员函数声明。该函数应在别处定义。函数 returns 首选项的(双向链接)列表。
  4. 试试这个:

list<Preference<string, string>> hospitalPrefs = hospitalReader.ReadPreferences();
for (Preference<string, string>& pref : hospitalPrefs)
    // do something with pref

或者,如果您坚持使用 C++98 而不是 C++11:

list<Preference<string, string>> hospitalPrefs = hospitalReader.ReadPreferences();
for (list<Preference<string, string>>::iterator it = hospitalPrefs.begin(); it != hospitalPrefs.end(); ++it)
    // do something with pref