Very basic alarm clock does not open webbrowser
我对编程完全陌生。想用 Python 编写这个基本的闹钟,但浏览器就是打不开。我认为这可能是我的 if 语句不起作用。那是对的吗?
from datetime import datetime
import webbrowser
name = raw_input("What's your name?")
print ("Hello %s! Let me set an alarm for you. Please answer the following questions about when you want to wake up.")%(name)
alarm_h = raw_input("--> Please enter the hour when I should wake you up:")
alarm_m = raw_input("--> Please enter the exact minute of the hour:")
alarm_sound = raw_input("--> Please enter the Youtube-URL of your favorite song:")
now = datetime.today()
print ("It's now %s h : %s m. We'll wake you up at %s h : %s m." %(now.hour, now.minute, alarm_h, alarm_m))
if now.hour == alarm_h and now.minute == alarm_m:
webbrowser.open(alarm_sound, new=2)
webbrowser 行确实有效。它没有执行,因为当前时间永远不会到达闹钟时间(因为您没有连续比较当前时间和设置的闹钟时间)。
from datetime import datetime
import webbrowser
name = raw_input("What's your name?")
print ("Hello %s! Let me set an alarm for you. Please answer the following questions about when you want to wake up.")%(name)
alarm_h = raw_input("--> Please enter the hour when I should wake you up:")
alarm_m = raw_input("--> Please enter the exact minute of the hour:")
alarm_sound = raw_input("--> Please enter the Youtube-URL of your favorite song:")
now = datetime.today()
print ("It's now %s h : %s m. We'll wake you up at %s h : %s m." %(now.hour, now.minute, alarm_h, alarm_m))
webbrowser.open(alarm_sound, new=2) #Added temporarily to test webbrowser functionality
if str(now.hour) == alarm_h and str(now.minute) == alarm_m: #Converted integer type to string type to match datatype of alarm_h and alarm_m
webbrowser.open(alarm_sound, new=2)
我也将 now.hour 和 now.minute 转换为类型字符串以匹配 [=23 的数据类型=]alarm_h 和 alarm_m。它们都是整数,不能直接与字符串数据类型进行比较。
from datetime import datetime
import webbrowser
import threading
name = raw_input("What's your name?")
print ("Hello %s! Let me set an alarm for you. Please answer the following questions about when you want to wake up.")%(name)
alarm_h = raw_input("--> Please enter the hour when I should wake you up:")
alarm_m = raw_input("--> Please enter the exact minute of the hour:")
alarm_sound = raw_input("--> Please enter the Youtube-URL of your favorite song:")
print alarm_sound
now = datetime.today()
def test():
s1 = '%s:%s'
FMT = '%H:%M'
tdelta = datetime.strptime(s1% (alarm_h, alarm_m), FMT) - datetime.strptime(s1%(now.hour, now.minute), FMT)
l = str(tdelta).split(':')
ecar = int(l[0]) * 3600 + int(l[1]) * 60 + int(l[2])
print ecar
threading.Timer(ecar, test).start()
在n seconds
。在您的示例中,您要求用户提供小时和分钟,这样我们仅使用 hours and minutes
我对编程完全陌生。想用 Python 编写这个基本的闹钟,但浏览器就是打不开。我认为这可能是我的 if 语句不起作用。那是对的吗?
from datetime import datetime
import webbrowser
name = raw_input("What's your name?")
print ("Hello %s! Let me set an alarm for you. Please answer the following questions about when you want to wake up.")%(name)
alarm_h = raw_input("--> Please enter the hour when I should wake you up:")
alarm_m = raw_input("--> Please enter the exact minute of the hour:")
alarm_sound = raw_input("--> Please enter the Youtube-URL of your favorite song:")
now = datetime.today()
print ("It's now %s h : %s m. We'll wake you up at %s h : %s m." %(now.hour, now.minute, alarm_h, alarm_m))
if now.hour == alarm_h and now.minute == alarm_m:
webbrowser.open(alarm_sound, new=2)
webbrowser 行确实有效。它没有执行,因为当前时间永远不会到达闹钟时间(因为您没有连续比较当前时间和设置的闹钟时间)。
from datetime import datetime
import webbrowser
name = raw_input("What's your name?")
print ("Hello %s! Let me set an alarm for you. Please answer the following questions about when you want to wake up.")%(name)
alarm_h = raw_input("--> Please enter the hour when I should wake you up:")
alarm_m = raw_input("--> Please enter the exact minute of the hour:")
alarm_sound = raw_input("--> Please enter the Youtube-URL of your favorite song:")
now = datetime.today()
print ("It's now %s h : %s m. We'll wake you up at %s h : %s m." %(now.hour, now.minute, alarm_h, alarm_m))
webbrowser.open(alarm_sound, new=2) #Added temporarily to test webbrowser functionality
if str(now.hour) == alarm_h and str(now.minute) == alarm_m: #Converted integer type to string type to match datatype of alarm_h and alarm_m
webbrowser.open(alarm_sound, new=2)
我也将 now.hour 和 now.minute 转换为类型字符串以匹配 [=23 的数据类型=]alarm_h 和 alarm_m。它们都是整数,不能直接与字符串数据类型进行比较。
from datetime import datetime
import webbrowser
import threading
name = raw_input("What's your name?")
print ("Hello %s! Let me set an alarm for you. Please answer the following questions about when you want to wake up.")%(name)
alarm_h = raw_input("--> Please enter the hour when I should wake you up:")
alarm_m = raw_input("--> Please enter the exact minute of the hour:")
alarm_sound = raw_input("--> Please enter the Youtube-URL of your favorite song:")
print alarm_sound
now = datetime.today()
def test():
s1 = '%s:%s'
FMT = '%H:%M'
tdelta = datetime.strptime(s1% (alarm_h, alarm_m), FMT) - datetime.strptime(s1%(now.hour, now.minute), FMT)
l = str(tdelta).split(':')
ecar = int(l[0]) * 3600 + int(l[1]) * 60 + int(l[2])
print ecar
threading.Timer(ecar, test).start()
在n seconds
。在您的示例中,您要求用户提供小时和分钟,这样我们仅使用 hours and minutes