C: (c) 分配数组的地址不适合数据类型的大小(我认为....)

C: Address of (c)allocated array does not fit with size of data type (I think....)


这是 C 代码:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void print_2Darr( double **arr_2D, int N_rows, int N_cols );

int main(){

    int ii;

    const int N_cols = 4;
    const int N_rows = 3;


    // note: for readibility, checking for NULL is omitted
    // allocate pointer to rows, then rows...
    arr    = calloc( (size_t)N_rows, sizeof *arr );
    arr[0] = calloc( (size_t)(N_rows*N_cols), sizeof **arr );
    // ... and set pointers to them
    for ( ii=1 ; ii<N_rows ; ++ii ) 
        arr[ii] = arr[ii-1] + N_cols;

    // print values their address of them
    print_2Darr( arr, N_rows, N_cols );

    // not to be forgotten...
    free( arr[0] );
    free( arr );

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

void print_2Darr( double **arr_2D, int N_rows, int N_cols ) {
        ii, jj;

    for ( ii=0 ; ii<N_rows ; ++ii) {
        for ( jj=0 ; jj<N_cols; ++jj)
            printf( "%f (%p)\t", arr_2D[ii][jj], (void*)&arr_2D[ii][jj] );
        printf( "\n" );


0.000000 (0x12dc030)    0.000000 (0x12dc038)    0.000000 (0x12dc040)    0.000000 (0x12dc048)
0.000000 (0x12dc050)    0.000000 (0x12dc058)    0.000000 (0x12dc060)    0.000000 (0x12dc068)
0.000000 (0x12dc070)    0.000000 (0x12dc078)    0.000000 (0x12dc080)    0.000000 (0x12dc088)

我原以为地址会高 8 个字节遍历数组。显然,这仅适用于每第二步(从第 0 个元素到第 1 个元素,然后从第 2 个元素到第 3 个元素,依此类推)。地址前进8个字节,然后2个字节,然后8个字节,然后2个字节等等。


地址递增 8 个字节。它们在 hex.

0x12dc038 - difference of 8 from the above
0x12dc040 - difference of 8 from the above