按特定顺序组合来自多个 Excel 文件的列
Combining columns from several Excel files, in a specific order
我有 12 个 Excel 文件,每个文件有 6 列,259 行。一切都是数字,没有文字。我必须制作一个 table 的 72 列和 259 行,结合遵守此规则的 12 个文件:
file 1 column 1, file 2 column 1, … file 6 column 1,
file 1 column 2, file 2 column 2, … file 6 column 2,
file 1 column 6, file 2 column 6,…file 6 column 6
file 7 column 1, file 8 column 1, … file 12 column 1,
file 7 column 2, file 8 column 2, … file 12 column 2,
file 12 column 6, file 12 column 6, … file 12 column 6
在最后的 table 中,我需要再添加两列文本和四行文本。我试过这种方法:
然后合并临时的 table,但是当使用 cbind/rbind 手动编写所有内容并合并时,它会变得很大。我想知道我是否可以用更短的方式完成它。
该脚本用于合并来自 6 个 .txt 文件或 6 个 excel 文件的列。首先,我尝试使用 6 个文件来查看它是如何工作的,但我必须使用最终形式的 12 个文件(excel 或 .txt)。它看起来很糟糕,因为我是 R 的初学者。还在学习中。谢谢你的时间。
############ the files are declared
MAM <- c("G","H","I","M","N")
TAM <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
Index1f <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
Index2f <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
Index3f <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
Index4f <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
Index5f <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
Index6f <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
file7 <-c("","","Text 1","","","")
file7a <-c("","","Text 2","","","")
file7b <-c("","","Text 3","","","")
file7c <-c("","","Text 4","","","")
file7d <-c("","","Text 5","","","")
file7e <-c("","","Text 6","","","")
file8 <-c("","","Text 7","","","")
file9 <-c("G", "H","I", "M", "N", "E ")
file10 <-c("","","Text 8 ","","","")
######### import data from the files
for (i in 1:5) {
TAM [i] <- paste(MAM[i],"2000.txt",sep="_")
# The end of the loop for the files import
F1 <- read.table("G2000.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
F2 <- read.table("H2000.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
F3 <- read.table("I2000.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
F4 <- read.table("M2000.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
F5 <- read.table("N2000.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
F6 <- read.table("E2000.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
F11 <- read.table("Gnames.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
#compute the indicators through the combination of the different columns or rows
Index1 <- cbind(file1[1],file2[1],file3[1],file4[1],file5[1],file6[1])
write.table(Index1, "Index1.txt", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
Index2 <- cbind(file1[2],file2[2],file3[2],file4[2],file5[2],file6[2])
write.table(Index2, "Index2.txt", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
Index3 <- cbind(file1[3],file2[3],file3[3],file4[3],file5[3],file6[3])
write.table(Index3, "Index3.txt", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
Index4 <- cbind(file1[4],file2[4],file3[4],file4[4],file5[4],file6[4])
write.table(Index4, "Index4.txt", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
Index5 <- cbind(file1[5],file2[5],file3[5],file4[5],file5[5],file6[5])
write.table(Index5, "Index5.txt", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
Index6 <- cbind(file1[6],file2[6],file3[6],file4[6],file5[6],file6[6])
write.table(Index6, "Index6.txt", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
Index1f <- rbind(file7, file8, file9, file10, Index1) # I added 3 rows at the beginning of the table
write.table(Index1f, "Index1f.xls", row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
Index2f <- rbind(file7a, file8, file9, file10, Index2) # I added 3 rows at the beginning of the table
write.table(Index2f, "Index2f.xls", row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
Index3f <- rbind(file7b, file8, file9, file10, Index3) # I added 3 rows at the beginning of the table
write.table(Index3f, "Index3f.xls", row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
Index4f <- rbind(file7c, file8, file9, file10, Index4) # I added 3 rows at the beginning of the table
write.table(Index4f, "Index4f.xls", row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
Index5f <- rbind(file7d, file8, file9, file10, Index5) # I added 3 rows at the beginning of the table
write.table(Index5f, "Index5f.xls", row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
Index6f <- rbind(file7e, file8, file9, file10, Index6) # I added 3 rows at the beginning of the table
write.table(Index6f, "Index6f.xls", row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
IndexA <- cbind(Index1f, Index2f) # I joined some index
write.table(IndexA, "IndexA.xls", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
IndexB <- cbind(Index3f, Index4f) # I joined some index
write.table(IndexB, "IndexB.xls", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
IndexC <- cbind(Index5f, Index6f) # I joined some index
write.table(IndexC, "IndexC.xls", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
IndexD <- cbind(IndexA, IndexB) # I joined some index
write.table(IndexD, "IndexD.xls", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
IndexE <- cbind(IndexD, IndexC) # I joined some index
write.table(IndexE, "Firstpartofthetable.xls", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
#here i am assuming the folder only contains your 12 files
files <- list.files()
#read all your tables into one big table, side by side
res_tmp <- NA
for(x in files){
tmp <- read_excel(x)
res_tmp <- cbind(res_tmp, tmp)
res_tmp <- res_tmp[, -1]
#rearrange columns according to your specification
ind <- do.call(c, lapply(1 : 6, FUN = function(i) seq(i, 72, by = 6)))
res <- res_tmp[, ind]
应该是您的 259 x 72
我有 12 个 Excel 文件,每个文件有 6 列,259 行。一切都是数字,没有文字。我必须制作一个 table 的 72 列和 259 行,结合遵守此规则的 12 个文件:
file 1 column 1, file 2 column 1, … file 6 column 1,
file 1 column 2, file 2 column 2, … file 6 column 2,
file 1 column 6, file 2 column 6,…file 6 column 6
file 7 column 1, file 8 column 1, … file 12 column 1,
file 7 column 2, file 8 column 2, … file 12 column 2,
file 12 column 6, file 12 column 6, … file 12 column 6
在最后的 table 中,我需要再添加两列文本和四行文本。我试过这种方法:
然后合并临时的 table,但是当使用 cbind/rbind 手动编写所有内容并合并时,它会变得很大。我想知道我是否可以用更短的方式完成它。
该脚本用于合并来自 6 个 .txt 文件或 6 个 excel 文件的列。首先,我尝试使用 6 个文件来查看它是如何工作的,但我必须使用最终形式的 12 个文件(excel 或 .txt)。它看起来很糟糕,因为我是 R 的初学者。还在学习中。谢谢你的时间。
############ the files are declared
MAM <- c("G","H","I","M","N")
TAM <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
Index1f <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
Index2f <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
Index3f <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
Index4f <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
Index5f <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
Index6f <-c("a","b","c","d","e")
file7 <-c("","","Text 1","","","")
file7a <-c("","","Text 2","","","")
file7b <-c("","","Text 3","","","")
file7c <-c("","","Text 4","","","")
file7d <-c("","","Text 5","","","")
file7e <-c("","","Text 6","","","")
file8 <-c("","","Text 7","","","")
file9 <-c("G", "H","I", "M", "N", "E ")
file10 <-c("","","Text 8 ","","","")
######### import data from the files
for (i in 1:5) {
TAM [i] <- paste(MAM[i],"2000.txt",sep="_")
# The end of the loop for the files import
F1 <- read.table("G2000.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
F2 <- read.table("H2000.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
F3 <- read.table("I2000.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
F4 <- read.table("M2000.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
F5 <- read.table("N2000.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
F6 <- read.table("E2000.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
F11 <- read.table("Gnames.txt", header=TRUE,sep="\t")
#compute the indicators through the combination of the different columns or rows
Index1 <- cbind(file1[1],file2[1],file3[1],file4[1],file5[1],file6[1])
write.table(Index1, "Index1.txt", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
Index2 <- cbind(file1[2],file2[2],file3[2],file4[2],file5[2],file6[2])
write.table(Index2, "Index2.txt", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
Index3 <- cbind(file1[3],file2[3],file3[3],file4[3],file5[3],file6[3])
write.table(Index3, "Index3.txt", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
Index4 <- cbind(file1[4],file2[4],file3[4],file4[4],file5[4],file6[4])
write.table(Index4, "Index4.txt", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
Index5 <- cbind(file1[5],file2[5],file3[5],file4[5],file5[5],file6[5])
write.table(Index5, "Index5.txt", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
Index6 <- cbind(file1[6],file2[6],file3[6],file4[6],file5[6],file6[6])
write.table(Index6, "Index6.txt", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
Index1f <- rbind(file7, file8, file9, file10, Index1) # I added 3 rows at the beginning of the table
write.table(Index1f, "Index1f.xls", row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
Index2f <- rbind(file7a, file8, file9, file10, Index2) # I added 3 rows at the beginning of the table
write.table(Index2f, "Index2f.xls", row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
Index3f <- rbind(file7b, file8, file9, file10, Index3) # I added 3 rows at the beginning of the table
write.table(Index3f, "Index3f.xls", row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
Index4f <- rbind(file7c, file8, file9, file10, Index4) # I added 3 rows at the beginning of the table
write.table(Index4f, "Index4f.xls", row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
Index5f <- rbind(file7d, file8, file9, file10, Index5) # I added 3 rows at the beginning of the table
write.table(Index5f, "Index5f.xls", row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
Index6f <- rbind(file7e, file8, file9, file10, Index6) # I added 3 rows at the beginning of the table
write.table(Index6f, "Index6f.xls", row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t")
IndexA <- cbind(Index1f, Index2f) # I joined some index
write.table(IndexA, "IndexA.xls", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
IndexB <- cbind(Index3f, Index4f) # I joined some index
write.table(IndexB, "IndexB.xls", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
IndexC <- cbind(Index5f, Index6f) # I joined some index
write.table(IndexC, "IndexC.xls", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
IndexD <- cbind(IndexA, IndexB) # I joined some index
write.table(IndexD, "IndexD.xls", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
IndexE <- cbind(IndexD, IndexC) # I joined some index
write.table(IndexE, "Firstpartofthetable.xls", row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t")
#here i am assuming the folder only contains your 12 files
files <- list.files()
#read all your tables into one big table, side by side
res_tmp <- NA
for(x in files){
tmp <- read_excel(x)
res_tmp <- cbind(res_tmp, tmp)
res_tmp <- res_tmp[, -1]
#rearrange columns according to your specification
ind <- do.call(c, lapply(1 : 6, FUN = function(i) seq(i, 72, by = 6)))
res <- res_tmp[, ind]
应该是您的 259 x 72