
How to define the format a string Parameter must take?

我们有一个名为 imageDimensions 的查询字符串参数,它为不同类型的图像指定所需的尺寸。 例如?imageDimensions=poster:600x800,badge:100x100

API Blueprint 中是否有一种方法可以指定 imageDimensions 应该是以逗号分隔的图像尺寸规格列表,每个规格的形式为“(图像类型):(宽度)x(高度)”?


## GET /resource{?imageDimensions}
+ Parameters
    + imageDimensions (string, optional) - Comma-separated list of image dimension specs, each of form `(image type):(width)x(height)`

        Where the `(image type)` is one of the following:

        - badge
        - poster
        - icon

        + Sample: `badge:100x100`
        + Sample: `poster:600x800`
        + Sample: `poster:600x800,badge:100x100`

+ Response 200

注意,计划将参数语法移动到完整 MSON syntax in the near future. See the API Blueprint roadmap

有了它,应该可以将图像类型定义为 enum,然后在蓝图中引用它。