如何在 php 中解析使用 GZip 压缩的响应?

How to parse response compressed using GZip in php?

我请求 api link here

如您所见,响应是.gz 格式的文件,downloaded.In 事实上,它是xml 格式的文件。 我的问题是如何解析在 php 脚本和 echo xml 格式中使用 GZip 压缩的响应? 谢谢!

if (substr_count($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"], "gzip")) ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); else ob_start();
$appkey ='kwaninmacau';
$url ='http://services.eoddsmaker.net/demo/feeds/V1.0/markets.ashx';
$params ='l=1&bid=43&sid=50&cid=58&lid=10&u='.$appkey.'&p='.$appkey;
echo datafeedurl($url,$params,0);
function datafeedurl($url,$params=false,$ispost=0){
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING , "gzip");

您可以使用以下代码进行 Gzip

curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_ENCODING , "gzip");

引用 "As you see, the response is .gz format",不,不是。服务器说 Content-Type:application/x-gzip ,但这是错误的!这是一个 XML 文件,名称为 "markets_20151127T065210.gz"

引用 "how to parse that response compressed using GZip in php script and echo xml format? " 您的 xml 在此处第 4 行的 $xml 中:


function hhb_curl_init($custom_options_array = array())
    if (empty($custom_options_array)) {
        $custom_options_array = array();
        //i feel kinda bad about this.. argv[1] of curl_init wants a string(url), or NULL
        //at least i want to allow NULL aswell :/
    if (!is_array($custom_options_array)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('$custom_options_array must be an array!');
    $options_array = array(
        CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => true,
        CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE => false,
        CURLOPT_HTTPGET => true,
        CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false,
        CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 11,
        CURLOPT_ENCODING => ""
        //CURLOPT_USERAGENT=>'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0'
    if (!array_key_exists(CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $custom_options_array)) {
        //do this only conditionally because tmpfile() call..
        static $curl_cookiefiles_arr = array(); //workaround for https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=66014
        $curl_cookiefiles_arr[]            = $options_array[CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE] = tmpfile();
        $options_array[CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE] = stream_get_meta_data($options_array[CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE]);
        $options_array[CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE] = $options_array[CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE]['uri'];

    //we can't use array_merge() because of how it handles integer-keys, it would/could cause corruption
    foreach ($custom_options_array as $key => $val) {
        $options_array[$key] = $val;
    unset($key, $val, $custom_options_array);
    $curl = curl_init();
        throw new RuntimeException('could not create a curl handle! curl_init() returned false');
    if(false===curl_setopt_array($curl, $options_array)){
        throw new RuntimeException('could not set options on curl! curl_setopt_array returned false. curl_errno :'.$curl_errno.'. curl_error: '.$curl_error);
    return $curl;
function hhb_curl_exec($ch, $url)
    static $hhb_curl_domainCache = "";//warning, this will not work properly with 2 different curl's visiting 2 different sites. 
    //should probably use SplObjectStorage here, so each curl can have its own cache..
    if (!is_resource($ch) || get_resource_type($ch) !== 'curl') {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('$ch must be a curl handle!');
    if (!is_string($url)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('$url must be a string!');

    $tmpvar = "";
    if (parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST) === null) {
        if (substr($url, 0, 1) !== '/') {
            $url = $hhb_curl_domainCache . '/' . $url;
        } else {
            $url = $hhb_curl_domainCache . $url;

    if(false===curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url)){
        throw new RuntimeException('could not set CURLOPT_URL on curl! curl_setopt returned false. curl_errno :'.$curl_errno.'. curl_error: '.$curl_error.'. url: '.var_export($url,true));
    $html = curl_exec($ch);
    if (curl_errno($ch)) {
        throw new Exception('Curl error (curl_errno=' . curl_errno($ch) . ') on url ' . var_export($url, true) . ': ' . curl_error($ch));
        // echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($ch);
    if ($html === '' && 203 != ($tmpvar = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)) /*203 is "success, but no output"..*/ ) {
        throw new Exception('Curl returned nothing for ' . var_export($url, true) . ' but HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE was ' . var_export($tmpvar, true));
    //remember that curl (usually) auto-follows the "Location: " http redirects..
    $hhb_curl_domainCache = parse_url(curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL), PHP_URL_HOST);
    return $html;
function hhb_curl_exec2($ch, $url, &$returnHeaders = array(), &$returnCookies = array(), &$verboseDebugInfo = "")
    $returnHeaders    = array();
    $returnCookies    = array();
    $verboseDebugInfo = "";
    if (!is_resource($ch) || get_resource_type($ch) !== 'curl') {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('$ch must be a curl handle!');
    if (!is_string($url)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('$url must be a string!');
    $verbosefileh = tmpfile();
        throw new RuntimeException('can not create a tmpfile for curl\'s stderr. tmpfile returned false');
    $verbosefile  = stream_get_meta_data($verbosefileh);
    $verbosefile  = $verbosefile['uri'];
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_STDERR, $verbosefileh);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
    $html             = hhb_curl_exec($ch, $url);
    $verboseDebugInfo = file_get_contents($verbosefile);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_STDERR, NULL);
    unset($verbosefile, $verbosefileh);
    $headers       = array();
    $crlf          = "\x0d\x0a";
    $thepos        = strpos($html, $crlf . $crlf, 0);
    $headersString = substr($html, 0, $thepos);
    $headerArr     = explode($crlf, $headersString);
    $returnHeaders = $headerArr;
    unset($headersString, $headerArr);
    $htmlBody = substr($html, $thepos + 4); //should work on utf8/ascii headers... utf32? not so sure..
    //I REALLY HOPE THERE EXIST A BETTER WAY TO GET COOKIES.. good grief this looks ugly..
    //at least it's tested and seems to work perfectly...
    $grabCookieName = function($str,&$len)
        $ret = "";
        $i   = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); ++$i) {
            if ($str[$i] === ' ') {
            if ($str[$i] === '=') {
            $ret .= $str[$i];
        return urldecode($ret);
    foreach ($returnHeaders as $header) {
        //Set-Cookie: crlfcoookielol=crlf+is%0D%0A+and+newline+is+%0D%0A+and+semicolon+is%3B+and+not+sure+what+else
        /*Set-Cookie:ci_spill=a%3A4%3A%7Bs%3A10%3A%22session_id%22%3Bs%3A32%3A%22305d3d67b8016ca9661c3b032d4319df%22%3Bs%3A10%3A%22ip_address%22%3Bs%3A14%3A%2285.164.158.128%22%3Bs%3A10%3A%22user_agent%22%3Bs%3A109%3A%22Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows+NT+6.1%3B+WOW64%29+AppleWebKit%2F537.36+%28KHTML%2C+like+Gecko%29+Chrome%2F43.0.2357.132+Safari%2F537.36%22%3Bs%3A13%3A%22last_activity%22%3Bi%3A1436874639%3B%7Dcab1dd09f4eca466660e8a767856d013; expires=Tue, 14-Jul-2015 13:50:39 GMT; path=/
        Set-Cookie: sessionToken=abc123; Expires=Wed, 09 Jun 2021 10:18:14 GMT;
        //Cookie names cannot contain any of the following '=,; \t\r\n34'
        if (stripos($header, "Set-Cookie:") !== 0) {
        $header = trim(substr($header, strlen("Set-Cookie:")));
        while (strlen($header) > 0) {
            $cookiename                 = $grabCookieName($header,$len);
            $returnCookies[$cookiename] = '';
            $header                     = substr($header, $len + 1); //also remove the = 
            if (strlen($header) < 1) {
            $thepos = strpos($header, ';');
            if ($thepos === false) { //last cookie in this Set-Cookie.
                $returnCookies[$cookiename] = urldecode($header);
            $returnCookies[$cookiename] = urldecode(substr($header, 0, $thepos));
            $header                     = trim(substr($header, $thepos + 1)); //also remove the ;
    unset($header, $cookiename, $thepos);
    return $htmlBody;