如何避免推断类型不包含 scala 疣?

how to avoid inferred type containing nothing with scala wart?

使用 scala wart 我得到:

  def lastWithRecursion(input: Seq[Int]): Try[Int] = input match {
      case head :: Nil => Success(head)
      case _ :: tail => lastWithRecursion(tail)
      case _ => Failure(new NoSuchElementException("No such element")) // how to avoid inferred type containing nothing.

如何避免inferred type containing nothing

尝试向 Failure 添加泛型:

def lastWithRecursion(input: Seq[Int]): Try[Int] = input match {
    case head :: Nil => Success(head)
    case _ :: tail => lastWithRecursion(tail)
    case _ => Failure[Int](new NoSuchElementException("No such element")) // how to avoid inferred type containing nothing.