Nfc-v 无法确定如何检索与其他应用程序相同的数据

Nfc-v can't figure how to retrieve same data as other app

我编写了一段代码,用于从 NFC-v 标签读取数据。 使用该代码,我可以从卡中读取二进制数据。

当我将此数据解码为 Hexa 时,我得到了与 Android 应用程序相同的内存数据 NXP Taginfo

但我想恢复 Application information


这是我从他们的应用程序中检索到的 hexa 的转储

-- INFO ------------------------------

# IC manufacturer:
EM Microelectronic-Marin SA

# IC type:

# Application information:
SKIDATA keycard
* Key number: xx-16147133534646198558-x

-- NDEF ------------------------------

# No NFC data set storage:

-- EXTRA ------------------------------

# Memory size:
208 bytes
* 52 blocks, with 4 bytes per block

# IC detailed information:
Supported read commands:
* Single Block Read
* Multiple Block Read
* Get Multiple Block Security Status
* Get System Information
AFI supported
DSFID supported
IC reference value: 0x02
Customer ID: 0x066

-- TECH ------------------------------

# Technologies supported:
ISO/IEC 15693-3 compatible
ISO/IEC 15693-2 compatible

# Android technology information:
Tag description:
* TAG: Tech [,]
* Maximum transceive length: 253 bytes

# Detailed protocol information:
ID: E0:16:24:66:09:62:61:1E
AFI: 0x00
DSFID: 0x02

# Memory content:
You don't need it for find the number

  x:locked, .:unlocked


回答,正如 Yrtiop 所说,您需要读取卡 ID,这是执行此操作的正确函数:

byte[] arrayOfByte = cardNfcTag.getId();
    for (int i1 = -1 + arrayOfByte.length; i1 >= 0; i1--)
      Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[1];
      arrayOfObject[0] = Integer.valueOf(0xFF & arrayOfByte[i1]);
      localStringBuilder.append(String.format("%02X", arrayOfObject));
    BigInteger localBigInteger = new BigInteger(localStringBuilder.toString(), 16);
return "xx-" + localBigInteger.toString() + "-x";



要获取密钥编号,您必须读取 UID,并且在读取字节时要应用一个掩码,如文档第 7.2 点所示。