
Sort slice with respect to another slice in go


我想根据 other_slice

main_slice 进行排序

other_slice = []int{3,5,1,2,7}

main_slice = []int{1,2,3,4,5}

3 in main_slice 对应于 other_slice 中的最低值 (1),4 对应于第二低的值 (2) ;因此,我希望排序 main_slice to be: {3,4,1,2,5}


package main

import ( "fmt"

type TwoSlices struct {
    main_slice  []int
    other_slice  []int

type SortByOther TwoSlices

func (sbo SortByOther) Len() int {
    return len(sbo.main_slice)

func (sbo SortByOther) Swap(i, j int) {
    sbo.main_slice[i], sbo.main_slice[j] = sbo.main_slice[j], sbo.main_slice[i]

func (sbo SortByOther) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return sbo.other_slice[i] < sbo.other_slice[j] 

func main() {
    my_other_slice := []int{3,5,1,2,7}
    my_main_slice := []int{1,2,3,4,5} // sorted : {3,4,1,2,5}

    my_two_slices := TwoSlices{main_slice: my_main_slice, other_slice: my_other_slice}

    fmt.Println("Not sorted : ", my_two_slices.main_slice)

    fmt.Println("Sorted : ", my_two_slices.main_slice)



Not sorted :  [1 2 3 4 5]
Sorted :  [1 3 2 4 5]

main_slice 正在更改,但它没有按照我的要求进行,我做错了什么?

您忘记在 Swap 的实现中交换 other_slice 的元素:

func (sbo SortByOther) Swap(i, j int) {
    sbo.main_slice[i], sbo.main_slice[j] = sbo.main_slice[j], sbo.main_slice[i]
    sbo.other_slice[i], sbo.other_slice[j] = sbo.other_slice[j], sbo.other_slice[i]