如何使用 Velocity NumberTool 处理大货币数字

How to use Velocity NumberTool for big currency numbers

我在我的项目中使用 Joda Money.class 作为货币。
我正在使用 NumberTool 来格式化 Velocity 模板中的数字。

context.put("number", new NumberTool()); 

我将 Money 值转换为整数,以便将这些值放入 Velocity 模板中。


// 123435         €1234.35
priceInCents = price.getAmountMinorInt();

我想在 Velocity 模板中格式化这个值,如下所示:




$number.format('#0,00', $price) //Output: 1234,35
$number.format('#0.00', $price) //Output: 123435.00
$number.format('#00,00', $price) //Output: 12,34,35
$number.format('#00.00', $price) //Output: 123435.00
$number.format('#000,00', $price) //Output: 12,34,35
$number.format('#000.00', $price) //Output: 123435.00

所以我找到了答案。 制作自己的工具

    context.put("currency", new CurrencyTool());




 * Tool for doing currency formatting
@DefaultKey(value = "currency")
public final class CurrencyTool extends FormatConfig {

     * Constructor
    public CurrencyTool() {

     * @param money The {@link Money} object to format
     * @return
    public String format(Money money) {
        // Get the currency as an integer
        final int value = money.getAmountMinorInt();

        // Determine the units and cents
        final int cents = value % 100;
        String units = "" + (value / 100);

        // Final formatted values
        String formattedCents = "";
        String formattedUnits = "";

        // Format the cents to a 2 decimal number
        formattedCents = cents < 10 ? "0" + cents : "" + cents;

        // Format the units to parts of 3 separated with a dot
        if (units.length() > 3) {
            // units is above 999, formatting required

            //Determine the length of the part that doesn't needs to be segmented
            //example: 12 of 12345234 (12.345.234)
            final int nonSegment = units.length() % 3;
            formattedUnits = units.substring(0, nonSegment);

            //place a dot for each segment
            //example: nonSegment (dot) 345 (dot) 234
            units = units.substring(nonSegment, units.length());
            for (String segment : units.split("(?<=\G...)")) {
                formattedUnits = formattedUnits + "." + segment;
        } else {
            // units is below 1000, no formatting required
            formattedUnits = units;

        return formattedUnits + "," + formattedCents;
$number.format("#,##0.00", "123456789.01") // 123,456,789.01


$number.format('¤#,##0.00', $numberValue)
