ES6 引入的代码严格吗?

Is ES6 imported code strict?

假设我有一个依赖于非严格语义的库,例如将顶级 this 强制为全局对象:

this.library = { foo: function () {} };

说我尝试使用 import:

import './library';;

因为我使用了 import,这是否意味着库代码在严格模式下隐式运行(并且中断,因为 this 在严格代码中是 undefined)? ECMAScript 规范 says,

Module code is always strict mode code.

以及 "module code,"


Module code is source text that is code that is provided as a ModuleBody.

还有一个ModuleBodyconsists of a ModuleItemList, which consists of ModuleItem's, which could include ImportDeclaration, ExportDeclaration and StatementListItem, and a StatementListItem could be一个StatementDeclaration。这意味着任何代码都可以 "module code" 取决于它加载的上下文,即使没有 importexport 声明。

此外,[[RequestedModules]] 字段的定义意味着 ImportDeclaration 中使用的 ModuleSpecifier 确实指定了 "module:"

A List of all the ModuleSpecifier strings used by the module represented by this record to request the importation of a module.


来自this conversation

A module is not a JavaScript program that includes import/export statements. Just because they MAY contain import/export statements does not mean that they MUST have them. You cannot always look at a program and determine whether or not it is a module. . . .

Since ModuleBody is optional, the empty program is a Module. The empty program does not contain an export statement.

所以,是的,模块系统是 backwards-incompatible 和 non-strict 代码。我认为不使用模块系统的代码并不适合参与该系统,因为它可能会导出全局变量,这违背了它的目的。

因此,为了互操作,必须更新旧代码以提供 export 声明或使用严格模式(and/or "guaranteed" non-strict Function('return this')() 之类的技术,而不是 应该 non-strict top-level this).