使用 entityManager 将其中一个表中的 FK 保存到两个表中

Use entityManager to save into two tables with FK in one of the tables

我必须使用 EntityManager 将第一个持久实体的 ID 插入 table。

我的实体有一个像这样生成的 ID

@Column(name = "PUSH_ID", nullable = false)
@SequenceGenerator(name = "dbSequence", sequenceName = "VVV_PUSH_S", allocationSize = 1)
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "dbSequence")
public Integer getIdentifier() {
    return identifier;

然后我保留这个实体以生成 ID


我将 pushEntity.getIdentifier() 传递给 sql 语句以插入到第二个 table 中,像这样

 selectQueryToInsert.addJoin(PUSH_SOURCE_TABLE, SQLJoinOperator.LEFT_JOIN, PUSH_SOURCE_TABLE + "." + SOURCE_ID_COLUMN + "=" + sourceTableName + "." + DEFAULT_ID_COLUMN + " AND " + PUSH_SOURCE_TABLE + "." + PUSH_ID_COLUMN + "=" +   String.valueOf(pushEntity.getIdentifier));
 selectQueryToInsert.addListValuesRestriction(sourceTableName, DEFAULT_ID_COLUMN, SQLOperator.IN, sourceList);
 selectQueryToInsert.addValueRestriction(PUSH_SOURCE_TABLE, PUSH_ID_COLUMN, SQLOperator.NULL, null);
 String insertQuery = INSERT_SOURCE_QUERY + stringBuilder.toString(selectQueryToInsert); 

技巧来了,在第二个 table "PUSH_SOURCE_TABLE" 中,我对推送的 ID 有一个 FK,并且由于 entityManager 没有提交事务,所以 PUSH_ID数据库中尚不存在,第二次插入失败并显示

integrity constraint (%s.%s) violated - parent key not found

有没有其他方法可以做到这一点。 Tkx

我通过为 PUSH_SOURCE_TABLE 创建一个新实体而不是使用 preparedStatement


并设置一个 @Embeddable class 像这样保存推送实体的父密钥

public class PushEntityPK implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = -5599662020926504220L;

private Integer push_id;

private String entity_id;

//Default Constructor
public PushEntityPK(){


public PushEntityPK(Integer push_id, String entity_id){
    this.push_id = push_id;
    this.entity_id = entity_id;

并使用 @Idclass

注释源 table 实体
@Table(name = "PUSH_SOURCE_TABLE")
public class PushSourceEntity implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 5162782386822573902L;

public PushSourceEntity(PushEntityPK pushEntityPK){
   this.push_id = pushEntityPK.getPush_id();
   this.entity_id = pushEntityPK.getSource_name();

@AttributeOverrides({@AttributeOverride(name = "push_id", column =   @Column(name = "PUSH_ID"))})
private Integer push_id;

@AttributeOverrides({@AttributeOverride(name = "entity_id", column = @Column(name = "ENTITY_ID"))})
private String entity_id;