_settings.scss 中的变量编译为未注释

Variables in _settings.scss are compiled as uncommented

我在基金会论坛上问过这个问题,但还没有人能回答。一旦我使用 运行 "foundation watch" 命令,src/assets/scss/_settings.sccc 文件中的所有变量都被编译为未注释。

但是在 ZURB 网站上,它是这样说的:

"To change a setting, find the variable you're looking for, uncomment it by removing the slashes (//) at the start of the line, and change the value. Uncommenting signifies that you want the value to change, and also functions as a handy visual aid to see which defaults you're overriding." - http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/sass.html"

我真的很困惑,因为 ZURB 网站上说的和编译器做的完全不同。有人有什么想法吗?


这在 Foundation 6 的初始版本之后发生了变化。设置文件中的所有设置现在开始时都没有注释。文档尚未更新以反映更改。


The reason we're uncommenting every variable is to avoid reference errors. For example, let's say you left all the colors the same, so they all have comment marks. Now you try to reference $primary-color farther down, and you get an error, because $primary-color hasn't been defined yet. It is in the settings file, but it's not uncommented. Uncommenting every value gets around this issue.

来源: https://github.com/zurb/foundation-sites/issues/7328#issuecomment-161037445