Elasticsearch Nest Top Hits 聚合

Elastic search Nest TopHits aggregation

我已经为一个问题苦苦挣扎了一段时间,所以我想我会通过 Whosebug 解决这个问题。

我的文档类型有一个标题、一个语言字段(用于过滤)和一个分组 ID 字段(我省略了所有其他字段以保持这一点)

当我搜索文档时,我想找到所有包含标题文本的文档。我只希望每个唯一分组 ID 对应一个文档。


当 运行 此查询针对我的索引时:

  "query": {
    "match": {
      "title": "dingo"
  "aggs": {
    "top-tags": {
      "terms": {
        "field": "groupId",
        "size": 1000000
      "aggs": {
        "top_tag_hits": {
          "top_hits": {
            "_source": {
              "include": [
            "size": 1


    "took": 9,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 5,
        "successful": 5,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": 3,
        "max_score": 0,
        "hits": []
    "aggregations": {
        "top-tags": {
            "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
            "sum_other_doc_count": 0,
            "buckets": [{
                "key": "3044BC9E7C29450AAB2E4B6C9B35AAE2",
                "doc_count": 2,
                "top_tag_hits": {
                    "hits": {
                        "total": 2,
                        "max_score": 1.4983996,
                        "hits": [{
                            "_index": "elasticsearch",
                            "_type": "productdocument",
                            "_id": "FB15279FB18E4B34AD66ACAF69B96E9E",
                            "_score": 1.4983996,
                            "_source": {
                                "groupId": "3044BC9E7C29450AAB2E4B6C9B35AAE2",
                                "title": "wombat, dingo and zetapunga actionfigures",

                "key": "F11799ABD0C14B98ADF2554C84FF0DA0",
                "doc_count": 1,
                "top_tag_hits": {
                    "hits": {
                        "total": 1,
                        "max_score": 1.30684,
                        "hits": [{
                            "_index": "elasticsearch",
                            "_type": "productdocument",
                            "_id": "42562A25E4434A0091DE0C79A3E7F3F4",
                            "_score": 1.30684,
                            "_source": {
                                "groupId": "F11799ABD0C14B98ADF2554C84FF0DA0",
                                "title": "awesome dingo raptor"

这正是我所期望的(一个桶中有两次命中,但该桶只检索到一个文档)。但是,当我在 NEST 中尝试此操作时,我似乎无法检索所有文档。


result = _elasticClient.Search<T>(s => s
                .Filter(fd => fd.Term(f => f.Language, language))
                    q => q.Wildcard(f => f.Title, query, 2.0)
                         || q.Wildcard(f => f.Description, query)
                .Aggregations(agd =>
                    agd.Terms("groupId", tagd => tagd
                        .Size(100000) //We sadly need all products
                    .TopHits("top_tag_hits", thagd => thagd
                        .Source(ssd => ssd.Include("*")))

var topHits = result.Aggs.TopHits("top_tag_hits");
var documents = topHits.Documents<ProductDocument>(); //contains only one document (I would expect it to contain two, one for each bucket)

检查调试器中的聚合显示有一个 "groupId" 聚合和 2 个桶(并且匹配我在 "raw" 查询中看到的索引。只是没有任何明显的方法来检索文档)




result = _elasticClient.Search<T>(s => s
                .Filter(fd => fd.Term(f => f.Language, language))
                    q => q.Wildcard(f => f.Title, query, 2.0)
                         || q.Wildcard(f => f.Description, query)
                .Aggregations(agd =>
                    agd.Terms("groupId", tagd => tagd
                    .Aggregations(tagdaggs =>
                        tagdaggs.TopHits("top_tag_hits", thagd => thagd

                var groupIdAggregation = result.Aggs.Terms("groupId");

                var topHits =
                    groupIdAggregation.Items.Select(key => key.TopHits("top_tag_hits"))
                        .SelectMany(topHitMetric => topHitMetric.Documents<ProductDocument>()).ToList();

您的 NEST 查询尝试 运行 Terms 聚合和 TopHits 并排,而您的原始查询首先 运行s Terms 然后为每个桶调用 TopHits。

您只需将 TopHits 聚合移动到 NEST 查询中的 Terms 中即可使其正常工作。


.Aggregations(agd =>
    agd.Terms("groupId", tagd => tagd
        .Aggregations(tagdaggs =>
            tagdaggs.TopHits("top_tag_hits", thagd => thagd

顺便说一下,您不必使用 Include("*") 来包含所有字段。只需删除此选项,同时指定 .Size(0) 应该会为您返回所有可能的条款。