如何在 python 中同时添加 2 个以上的词典
How to add more than 2 dictionaries together in python
name1= input("enter the name of the first student: ")
marks = {}
subjects = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects:
marks[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name1 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota = sum(marks.values())
average = float(tota) / len(marks)
print ("\n")
name2= input("enter the name of the second student: ")
marks1 = {}
subjects1 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects1:
marks1[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name2 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota1 = sum(marks1.values())
average1 = float(tota1) / len(marks1)
print ("\n")
name3= input("enter the name of the third student: ")
marks2 = {}
subjects2 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects2:
marks2[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name3 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota2 = sum(marks2.values())
average2 = float(tota2) / len(marks2)
print ("\n")
name4= input("enter the name of the fourth student: ")
marks3 = {}
subjects3 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects3:
marks3[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name4 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota3 = sum(marks3.values())
average3 = float(tota3) / len(marks3)
print ("\n")
name5= input("enter the name of the fifth student: ")
marks4 = {}
subjects4 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects4:
marks4[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name5 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota4 = sum(marks4.values())
average4 = float(tota4) / len(marks4)
print ("\n")
name6= input("enter the name of the sixth student: ")
marks5 = {}
subjects5 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects5:
marks5[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name6 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota5 = sum(marks5.values())
average5 = float(tota5) / len(marks5)
print ("\n")
name7= input("enter the name of the seventh student: ")
marks6 = {}
subjects6 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects6:
marks6[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name7 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota6 = sum(marks6.values())
average6 = float(tota6) / len(marks6)
print ("\n")
name8= input("enter the name of the eighth student: ")
marks7 = {}
subjects7 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects7:
marks7[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name8 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota7 = sum(marks7.values())
average7 = float(tota7) / len(marks7)
print ("\n")
name9= input("enter the name of the nineth student: ")
marks8 = {}
subjects8 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects8:
marks8[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name9 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota8 = sum(marks8.values())
average8 = float(tota8) / len(marks8)
print ("\n")
name10= input("enter the name of the tenth student: ")
marks9 = {}
subjects9 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects9:
marks9[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name10 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota9 = sum(marks9.values())
average9 = float(tota9) / len(marks9)
print ("\n")
marks10= merge_dicts(marks, marks1, marks2, marks3, marks4, marks5, marks6, marks7, marks8, marks9)
print ("total marks for whole class are " + marks10 )
我想做的是在 marks10 中将所有其他词典加在一起,例如
marks1=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks2=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks3=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks4=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks5=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks6=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks7=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks8=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks9=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
我希望 marks10 成为
and the reason I am not using loops is because, I am not good with them yet :3 everytime I use loop somewhere, I screw up.
您已经在使用 for
loops 迭代 subjects
! :)
无论如何,如果不使用 loops 遍历学生,你能做的最好的事情就是计算总数,就像
total = {}
for subject in subjects:
total[subject] = marks1[subject] + marks2[subject] + marks3[subject] + marks4[subject] + marks5[subject] + marks6[subject] + marks7[subject] + marks8[subject] + marks9[subject] + marks10[subject]
... 所以这是一个将问题分成 3 个方法的实现,每个方法都有大量评论。我希望这个帮助ps :)
subjects = ["Accounts", "History", "Geography", "Chemistry", "Computer Science", "Maths", "Add maths", "English"]
def get_marks(i):
name = input("Enter the name of student %d: " % i) # (the name is only used for the subject prompts below)
if not name: # If the user doesn't enter a name, don't query for subjects either.
return # (implicitly returns None)
marks = {}
for subject in subjects: # Loop over the subjects -- this is OP's code :)
marks[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
return marks
def get_student_marks():
student_marks = [] # Gather the students' marks (as dicts) into this list.
for i in range(10): # Query for 10 students at most.
marks = get_marks(i + 1) # Get an individual student's marks as a dict.
if not marks: # If no name was entered (and None was thus returned)...
break # ... assume the user won't want to enter any more students and break out of the loop.
student_marks.append(marks) # Otherwise, save the marks...
return student_marks # and when the loop finishes, one way or another, return the list of dicts.
def print_total_marks(student_marks):
total_marks = dict.fromkeys(subjects, 0)
for marks in student_marks: # Loop over each student...
for subject, mark in marks.items(): # And then each pair of subject/mark...
# (dict.fromkeys assures us that there's a key for every subject; no need to check at this point.)
total_marks[subject] += mark # ... and add that to the total.
print ("Total marks for whole class are", total_marks)
student_marks = get_student_marks()
name1= input("enter the name of the first student: ")
marks = {}
subjects = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects:
marks[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name1 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota = sum(marks.values())
average = float(tota) / len(marks)
print ("\n")
name2= input("enter the name of the second student: ")
marks1 = {}
subjects1 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects1:
marks1[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name2 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota1 = sum(marks1.values())
average1 = float(tota1) / len(marks1)
print ("\n")
name3= input("enter the name of the third student: ")
marks2 = {}
subjects2 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects2:
marks2[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name3 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota2 = sum(marks2.values())
average2 = float(tota2) / len(marks2)
print ("\n")
name4= input("enter the name of the fourth student: ")
marks3 = {}
subjects3 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects3:
marks3[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name4 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota3 = sum(marks3.values())
average3 = float(tota3) / len(marks3)
print ("\n")
name5= input("enter the name of the fifth student: ")
marks4 = {}
subjects4 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects4:
marks4[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name5 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota4 = sum(marks4.values())
average4 = float(tota4) / len(marks4)
print ("\n")
name6= input("enter the name of the sixth student: ")
marks5 = {}
subjects5 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects5:
marks5[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name6 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota5 = sum(marks5.values())
average5 = float(tota5) / len(marks5)
print ("\n")
name7= input("enter the name of the seventh student: ")
marks6 = {}
subjects6 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects6:
marks6[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name7 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota6 = sum(marks6.values())
average6 = float(tota6) / len(marks6)
print ("\n")
name8= input("enter the name of the eighth student: ")
marks7 = {}
subjects7 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects7:
marks7[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name8 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota7 = sum(marks7.values())
average7 = float(tota7) / len(marks7)
print ("\n")
name9= input("enter the name of the nineth student: ")
marks8 = {}
subjects8 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects8:
marks8[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name9 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota8 = sum(marks8.values())
average8 = float(tota8) / len(marks8)
print ("\n")
name10= input("enter the name of the tenth student: ")
marks9 = {}
subjects9 = ["Accounts","History","Geography","Chemistry","Computer Science","Maths","Add maths", "English"]
for subject in subjects9:
marks9[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name10 + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
tota9 = sum(marks9.values())
average9 = float(tota9) / len(marks9)
print ("\n")
marks10= merge_dicts(marks, marks1, marks2, marks3, marks4, marks5, marks6, marks7, marks8, marks9)
print ("total marks for whole class are " + marks10 )
我想做的是在 marks10 中将所有其他词典加在一起,例如
marks1=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks2=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks3=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks4=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks5=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks6=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks7=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks8=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
marks9=[90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80, 90, 80]
我希望 marks10 成为 marks10=[810,720,810,720,810,720,810,720] 希望现在清楚了..
and the reason I am not using loops is because, I am not good with them yet :3 everytime I use loop somewhere, I screw up.
您已经在使用 for
loops 迭代 subjects
! :)
无论如何,如果不使用 loops 遍历学生,你能做的最好的事情就是计算总数,就像
total = {}
for subject in subjects:
total[subject] = marks1[subject] + marks2[subject] + marks3[subject] + marks4[subject] + marks5[subject] + marks6[subject] + marks7[subject] + marks8[subject] + marks9[subject] + marks10[subject]
... 所以这是一个将问题分成 3 个方法的实现,每个方法都有大量评论。我希望这个帮助ps :)
subjects = ["Accounts", "History", "Geography", "Chemistry", "Computer Science", "Maths", "Add maths", "English"]
def get_marks(i):
name = input("Enter the name of student %d: " % i) # (the name is only used for the subject prompts below)
if not name: # If the user doesn't enter a name, don't query for subjects either.
return # (implicitly returns None)
marks = {}
for subject in subjects: # Loop over the subjects -- this is OP's code :)
marks[subject] = float(input("Enter " + name + "'s " + subject + " marks: "))
return marks
def get_student_marks():
student_marks = [] # Gather the students' marks (as dicts) into this list.
for i in range(10): # Query for 10 students at most.
marks = get_marks(i + 1) # Get an individual student's marks as a dict.
if not marks: # If no name was entered (and None was thus returned)...
break # ... assume the user won't want to enter any more students and break out of the loop.
student_marks.append(marks) # Otherwise, save the marks...
return student_marks # and when the loop finishes, one way or another, return the list of dicts.
def print_total_marks(student_marks):
total_marks = dict.fromkeys(subjects, 0)
for marks in student_marks: # Loop over each student...
for subject, mark in marks.items(): # And then each pair of subject/mark...
# (dict.fromkeys assures us that there's a key for every subject; no need to check at this point.)
total_marks[subject] += mark # ... and add that to the total.
print ("Total marks for whole class are", total_marks)
student_marks = get_student_marks()