如何在 async.js 瀑布中传递上下文或属性?

How to pass context or attributes in async.js waterfall?

我想将当前上下文或属性传递给 async.waterfall 中的函数。如何:

  1. 及格this
  2. 一个属性(这里是options对象)


var _authenticate = function (cbAsync) {
  var licenseId = options.licenseId; //options is undefined
module.exports = new Command('createOrga')
  .description('creates an organization')
  .option('-f, --file <file>', 'the structure file including full path')
  .action(function (options) {
      options.confirm = options.confirm || true; // No confirmation needed!
      options.organizationUUID = (uuid.v4()).toUpperCase();
      options.licenseId = (uuid.v4()).toUpperCase();
      //How to pass options object to _authenticate function????
      async.waterfall([ _authenticate ], function(err) {
        if ( err ) {
          console.warn('Error in creating new organization: ',err);
        else {
          console.info('Successfully created new organization: ' + organizationUUID);

您可以使用 Function.prototype.bind() 传递 变量。

async.waterfall([ _authenticate.bind(undefined, options)], function(err) {
    //your code


var _authenticate = function (options, cbAsync) {
   var licenseId = options.licenseId; //options is undefined