定义的复制构造函数的默认行为c ++

default behaviour of defined copy constructor c++

假设我为 class B 定义了一个复制函数,它继承了 A 并且还有一个成员变量。 在 copt c'tor 体内我写了一些代码,但是在初始化列表中我没有显式调用 A c'tor(也不是复制 c'tor),也没有初始化成员变量。

在这种情况下,A默认c'tor将在到达B'复制c'tor主体之前被默认调用。 但是成员变量会怎样呢? 他们会用默认的 c'tor 初始化还是用他们的副本 c'tor 与争论对象的成员一起初始化(参数对象 == 给 B 副本 c'tor)。

此外,如果在初始化列表中调用某些成员的复制c'tor/c'tor或父class复制c'tor/c'tor - 会这种行为会改变吗?

我知道如果我们没有明确定义复制 c'tor:调用父 Class 和成员复制 c'tor。





#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct S
    S() { cout << "S()\n"; }
    S(S const &) { cout << "S(S&)\n"; }

struct T : S
    T() {}
    T(T const &t) {}

    // you have to explicitly write this if you want it 
    // T(T const &t): S(t) {}
    //                ^^^^

int main()
    T t;
    T u(t);

基础 class 子对象在这种情况下将被默认初始化。参见 [class.base.init]/8:

In a non-delegating constructor, if a given potentially constructed subobject is not designated by a mem-initializer-id (including the case where there is no mem-initializer-list because the constructor has no ctor-initializer), then

  • if the entity is a non-static data member that has a brace-or-equal-initializer [..]
  • otherwise, if the entity is an anonymous union or a variant member (9.5), no initialization is performed;
  • otherwise, the entity is default-initialized (8.5).



For a class, its non-static data members, its non-virtual direct base classes, and, if the class is not abstract (10.4), its virtual base classes are called its potentially constructed subobjects.