Clearcase - RQMCommandLine 适配器

Clearcase - RQMCommandLine Adapter

如何在 linux 机器上启动 RQM 适配器?在哪个目录下可以找到

您必须在安装了 Rational Quality Manager 的机器上的 doc mentions。 (Windows 或 Linux 机器)

Before running the Rational Quality Manager Command Line Adapter, please make sure that:

  • java.exe is accessible in the path
  • the version of JAVA required is 1.5 or later
  • user ID to log into Rational Quality Manager that has appropriate licenses to login as an adapter

README includes: -repository https://<rqmserver>:<port>/jazz -user <userid> -password <password> -adapter <adapter> \ 
[-projectArea <project area>] [-sleepTime <sleep time>] \
[-configFile <configuration file>]

由于该适配器在 <RQM_INSTALL_DIR>\adapters\ 以压缩存档的形式提供,因此 将是您解压缩该存档的位置。