为什么简单的 CUDA 程序的结果每次都不同?

Why the result of simple CUDA program differs every time?

想做一个简单的tiling卷积码。来自Coursera :Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 的讲座。讲座提供了一个简单的tiling方法的卷积代码,但是代码并不完整。因此,我填写了代码中的空白,下面是结果。

这段代码的目标是计算卷积。 输入尺寸:(24 x 24),
内核大小:(9 x 9), 输出尺寸:(16 x 16)。


问题是,每当我 运行 这段代码时,结果都是不同的。找了好几天的问题,每次都试不出来。我也在网上找到了类似的代码 blog 但它和我有同样的问题。不知道为什么每次的结果都不一样。有人说这是由于比赛条件造成的,但我没有找到任何相关信息。

这是卷积的示例结果(16 x 16 大小)。

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我的设备是 CUDA Driver = CUDART,CUDA Driver Version = 7.5,CUDA Runtime Version = 7.5,NumDevs = 1,Device0 = GeForce GT 630。 我使用 Ubuntu 14.04.



#define O_TILE_WIDTH 10
#define MASK_WIDTH 9

__global__ void Convolution2DBasicKernel(float *out, float *in, int in_height, int in_width, const float *__restrict__ mask, int output_dim)

    int tx=threadIdx.x;
    int ty=threadIdx.y;

    int row_o=blockIdx.y*O_TILE_WIDTH+ty;
    int col_o=blockIdx.x*O_TILE_WIDTH+tx; 

    int row_i=row_o;
    int col_i=col_o;

    __shared__ float Ns[I_TILE_WIDTH][I_TILE_WIDTH];

//////////////////// reading input data ///////////////////
    if( (row_i>=0)&&(row_i<in_height)&&(col_i>=0)&&(col_i<in_width) )
        Ns[ty][tx]=in[row_i*in_width + col_i];

//////////////////// calculating convol ///////////////////
    float output=0.0f;
    if( (tx<O_TILE_WIDTH)&&(ty<O_TILE_WIDTH) )
        for(int i=0; i<MASK_WIDTH; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<MASK_WIDTH; j++)
                output += Ns[ty+i][tx+j]*mask[i*MASK_WIDTH+j];



    if( (row_o<output_dim)&&(col_o<output_dim) )

int main() {

int input_dim=24;
    int kernel_dim=9;
    int output_dim=16;

float *input = new float[input_dim*input_dim];
float *kernel = new float[kernel_dim*kernel_dim];
float *output = new float[output_dim*output_dim];

float *d_input;
float *d_kernel;
float *d_output;
cudaMalloc(&d_input, sizeof(float)*input_dim*input_dim);
cudaMalloc(&d_kernel, sizeof(float)*kernel_dim*kernel_dim);
cudaMalloc(&d_output, sizeof(float)*output_dim*output_dim);

for(int i=0; i<input_dim*input_dim; i++)
for(int i=0; i<kernel_dim*kernel_dim; i++)

cudaMemcpy(d_input, input, sizeof(float)*input_dim*input_dim, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_kernel, kernel, sizeof(float)*kernel_dim*kernel_dim, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

dim3 dimBlock (I_TILE_WIDTH, I_TILE_WIDTH, 1);
dim3 dimGrid ((output_dim-1)/O_TILE_WIDTH+1, (output_dim-1)/O_TILE_WIDTH+1, 1);

clock_t begin, end;
double time_spent;
begin = clock();

for(int iteration=0; iteration<1; iteration++)//100000
    Convolution2DBasicKernel<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(d_output, d_input, input_dim, input_dim, d_kernel, output_dim);

end = clock();
time_spent = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("time: %f\n", time_spent);

cudaMemcpy(output, d_output, sizeof(float)*output_dim*output_dim, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

for(int y=0; y<output_dim; y++)
    for(int x=0; x<output_dim; x++)
        printf("%d\t", int(output[y*16+x]));




if( (tx<O_TILE_WIDTH)&&(ty<O_TILE_WIDTH) ) {
    for(int i=0; i<MASK_WIDTH; i++) {
        if(ty +i < O_TILE_WIDTH) { // Changed here
            for(int j=0; j<MASK_WIDTH; j++) {
                if(tx +j < O_TILE_WIDTH) { // Changed here
                    output += Ns[ty+i][tx+j]*mask[i*MASK_WIDTH+j];

您正在为每个块和 2x2 块启动 18x18 线程。
ThreadA threadIdx.x = 10 threadIdx.y = 0 blockIdx.x = 0 blockIdx.y = 0
ThreadB threadIdx.x = 0 threadIdx.y = 0 blockIdx.x = 1 blockIdx.y = 0

int tx=threadIdx.x
int ty=threadIdx.y
int row_o=blockIdx.y*O_TILE_WIDTH+ty
int col_o=blockIdx.x*O_TILE_WIDTH+tx
using O_TILE_WIDTH = 10

ThreadA row_o = 0*10+10 = 10 col_o = 0
ThreadB row_o = 1*10+0 = 10 col_o = 0
