检查字符串是否可以在 NX Knowledge Fusion 中转换为数字类型

Check if a string can be converted to numeric type in NX Knowledge Fusion

我有一个 NX Knowledge Fusion Check-Mate 程序来检查是否有任何手动维度包含任何类型的数字。


如果列表第一个位置包含的字符串可以转换为数字类型,即如果字符串为“200”,则程序必须return为真并将维度标签附加到列表,但是如果是“22c”,程序必须 return false。

我尝试使用函数 MakeNumber(string),但此函数仅在字符串可以转换为数字时才有效。如果字符串不是数字,程序就会崩溃。




(任何未缓存的)do_check: @{ $dim_manual << mqc_askManualDimensions();

          $dim_log <<loop
       for $each in $dim_manual;
       for $is_sleep is mqc_isSleepObject( $each );
       for $is_condemned is mqc_isCondemnedObject( $each );

       #I print the value i want to check
       do ug_printvalue($each);
       for $text is mqc_askDimensionManualText( $each );
       do ug_printvalue(nth(0,$text));

       #I check the type of the dimension content --> String
       #If nth(0,$text) is Number type, typecheck returns true
       #but always return false because nth(0,$text) is String type!
       for $is_number is typecheck(nth(0,$text), Number);
       do ug_printvalue($is_number);
       do ug_printvalue(TypeName(nth(0,$text)));

       #I try to convert the String in a Number. If the String can not be
       #converted the program crashes!!
       for  $n  is MakeNumber(nth(0,$text)); 
        do ug_printvalue($n);         

      #I want to append in the error log only the manual dimensions that
      #contains ONLY a number.
      if (!$is_sleep & !$is_condemned & $is_number)
       append {$each};

   if !empty?( $dim_log ) Then
       $log_msg << @{If (log_msg:="") Then "" Else log_msg:+"~n";} +
                   mqc_sprintf("Found %s dimension(s) with manual text.", Stringvalue(Length($dim_log)));
       ug_mqc_log( nth( log_type:, log_type_option: ), $dim_log, $log_msg );
   Else donothing;    


(List)  numbers: {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "." , ","};

(Method Boolean) is_numeric:(String $cadena)
        $is_a_number << loop {
        for $text_split is SplitString($cadena,"");
    do ug_printMessage($text_split);
        for $i from 0 to Length($text_split);

        for $exist_number is Find(nth($i,$text_split),numbers:);
        do ug_printvalue($i);
        do ug_printvalue($exist_number);

       return is $exist_number != "No Value";

此方法声明为 class 的属性,并且仅当 $cadena 的所有字符都可以在数字列表中找到时才应 return 为真(逗号和点已包含为可能的小数点分隔符)。

但现在我不知道如何在 NX Check-mate 中执行此方法 class。 谢谢

我找到了解决办法。我的 dfa 方法确定给定字符串是否可以解析为数字。

   ( List )   numbers: {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "." , ","};
   ( Method Boolean)   vh_numeric_string:(String $cadena) @{
         $is_a_number << loop {
             for $text_split is SplitString($cadena,"");
               for $i from 1 to Length($text_split);
                 for $exist_number is Find(nth($i,$text_split),numbers:);

          if ($exist_number = NoValue) return False;
          return is True;

当在我的 dfa 文件的 do_check 函数中调用此方法时,结果可以存储在循环变量中,如下所示:

for $is_number is vh_numeric_string:(nth(0,$text));