[Scala][Mokito] 如何存根 Future 函数以抛出异常

[Scala][Mokito] How to stub a Future function to throw exception

我正在编写存根存储库的测试用例 Future 函数抛出一个 Exception 来模拟一些数据库错误。

我希望 Repository.create 抛出数据库异常,它将由 Actor .recover{} 处理。但是会抛出异常,无法被.recover

// test 
it should "return NOT created message if exception thrown" in {
    val repository = mock[Repository]
    val service = TestActorRef(props(repository))
    implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = service.dispatcher
    val mockTeam = mock[Team]

    when(repository.create(any[Team])(same(ec))).thenReturn(Future.failed(throw new Exception))
    service ! CreateTeam(mockTeam)

// service == actor
override def receive = {
    case CreateTeam(team) => createTeam(team)
    .recover {
      case error: Exception => TeamNotCreated()
private def createTeam(team: Team)
  : Future[TeamCreateEvent] = {
        for {
          newTeam <- repository.create(team = team)
        } yield {
          if (newTeam isDefined) TeamCreated(newTeam)
          else TeamNotCreated()

// repository
override def create(team: TeamEntity)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
  : Future[Option[TeamEntity]] = {
    Future {
      val column = Team.column
      /****  I want to simulate some exception was thrown here ***/
      val newId = Team.createWithNamedValues(
        column.name -> team.name
      if (newId.isValidLong) Option(team.copy(id = newId)) else None


[info] - should return NOT created message if exception thrown *** FAILED ***
[info]   java.lang.Exception:
 should return updated message if collaborator team create success *** FAILED ***
[info]   org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.UnfinishedStubbingException: 

Unfinished stubbing detected here:
.g. thenReturn() may be missing.
[info] Examples of correct stubbing:
[info]     when(mock.isOk()).thenReturn(true);
[info]     when(mock.isOk()).thenThrow(exception);
[info]     doThrow(exception).when(mock).someVoidMethod();
[info] Hints:
[info]  1. missing thenReturn()
[info]  2. you are trying to stub a final method, you naughty developer!
[info]  3: you are stubbing the behaviour of another mock inside before 'thenReturn' instruction if completed

我曾尝试用 thenThrow(new Exception) 替换 thenReturn(Future.failed.. 但无法正常工作,出现错误 ava.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: timeout (3 seconds) during expectMsg while waiting for

您不想抛出 Future.failed 中的异常,只需在那里创建它。在对真实存储库的调用中发生的事情是在 Future 结果的 计算 中抛出异常,然后将捕获并放置在 Failure 实例,而不是将成功的计算结果放在 Success 实例中。所以:

when(repository.create(any[Team])(same(ec))).thenReturn(Future.failed(new Exception(...)))
