克隆 BitBucket 项目时 SourceTree 上的身份验证失败

Authentication Failed on SourceTree while cloning BitBucket project

我正在尝试使用 SourceTree 将一个项目从我的 bitbucket 克隆到我的计算机。

我尝试从 Web 界面这样做:




更新: 如下所述,已发布修复此错误的更新 (1.6.25)。

原文: SourceTree 1.6.24 版本中的身份验证目前无法正常工作。请改用版本 1.6.23。您可以在这里找到它:http://downloads.atlassian.com/software/sourcetree/windows/SourceTreeSetup_1.6.23.exe


因为更新了两步验证。我建议你阅读 this first to read more about their update and then you proceed over here。按照上述步骤,我能够将我的默认 HTTPS 协议更改为 SSH 协议。

Yes, the problem is with Askpass.exe

We recently changed the logging framework we used to slf4net/log4net and this, unexpectedly is being picked up by askpass.exe. But unfortunately since askpass.exe has no configuration in place it logs some output to stdout by default, this is interfering with the expected stdout output from askpass.exe.

We will release a 1.6.25 tomorrow with a proper fix.

Work Around

As a temporary workaround copying the attached Askpass.exe.config file in to

C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlassian\SourceTree

will provide the necessary configuration and should fix the multiple authentication requests.

You may find that unfortunately SourceTree has deleted what it thought were 'failing' passwords. Apologies for this you will need to re-enter them.


编辑: 所述更新似乎现在可用。

Help > Check for Updates > Update
