
How to skip a directory in awk?


$ tree
├── a
├── b
└── dir
    └── c

1 directory, 3 files

也就是说,两个文件 ab 以及一个目录 dir,其中另一个文件 c 所在。

我想用 awk 处理所有文件(GNU Awk 4.1.1,正好),所以我这样做:

$ gawk '{print FILENAME; nextfile}' * */*
awk: cmd. line:1: warning: command line argument `dir' is a directory: skipped

一切正常,但 * 也扩展到目录 dir 并且 awk 尝试处理它。

所以我想知道:是否有任何本机方法 awk 可以检查给定元素是否为文件,如果是,则跳过它?也就是说,不使用 system()

我通过在 BEGINFILE 中调用外部 system 使其工作:

$ gawk 'BEGINFILE{print FILENAME; if (system(" [ ! -d " FILENAME " ]")) {print FILENAME, "is a dir, skipping"; nextfile}} ENDFILE{print FILENAME, FNR}' * */*
a 10
a.wk 3
b 10
dir is a dir, skipping
dir/c 10

另请注意 if (system(" [ ! -d " FILENAME " ]")) {print FILENAME, "is a dir, skipping"; nextfile} 与直觉相反的事实:当为真时它应该 return 1,但它 return 是退出代码。

我读到A.5 Extensions in gawk Not in POSIX awk:


4.11 Directories on the Command Line

According to the POSIX standard, files named on the awk command line must be text files; it is a fatal error if they are not. Most versions of awk treat a directory on the command line as a fatal error.

By default, gawk produces a warning for a directory on the command line, but otherwise ignores it. This makes it easier to use shell wildcards with your awk program:

$ gawk -f whizprog.awk *        Directories could kill this program

If either of the --posix or --traditional options is given, then gawk reverts to treating a directory on the command line as a fatal error.

See Extension Sample Readdir, for a way to treat directories as usable data from an awk program.

事实上就是这样:与之前使用 --posix 相同的命令失败:

$ gawk --posix 'BEGINFILE{print FILENAME; if (system(" [ ! -d " FILENAME " ]")) {print FILENAME, "is a dir, skipping"; nextfile}} ENDFILE{print FILENAME, NR}' * */*
gawk: cmd. line:1: fatal: cannot open file `dir' for reading (Is a directory)

我检查了上面链接的 16.7.6 Reading Directories 部分,他们谈论 readdir:

The readdir extension adds an input parser for directories. The usage is as follows:

@load "readdir"


我只是避免将目录传递给 awk,因为甚至 POSIX 说所有文件名参数都必须是文本文件。


find PATH -type f -exec awk 'program' {} +


$ ls -F tmp
bar  dir/  foo

$ cat tmp/foo
line 1

$ cat tmp/bar
line 1
line 2

$ cat tmp/dir
cat: tmp/dir: Is a directory

$ cat tst.awk
    for (i=1;i<ARGC;i++) {
        if ( (getline line < ARGV[i]) <= 0 ) {
            print "Skipping:", ARGV[i], ERRNO
            delete ARGV[i]
{ print FILENAME, [=10=] }

$ awk -f tst.awk tmp/*
Skipping: tmp/dir Is a directory
tmp/bar line 1
tmp/bar line 2
tmp/foo line 1

$ awk --posix -f tst.awk tmp/*
Skipping: tmp/dir
tmp/bar line 1
tmp/bar line 2
tmp/foo line 1

Per POSIX getline returns -1 if/when 它尝试从文件中检索记录失败(例如,不可读文件或文件不存在或文件是一个目录),你只需要 GNU awk 告诉你哪些失败是通过 ERRNO 的值,如果你关心的话。