有没有办法让 Rust 相信特定的关联类型与具体类型相同?

Is there a way to convince Rust that a particular associated type is the same as a concrete type?


trait Wrapper<Type> {
    type Inner : Wrapped<Type>;
    fn bind<B, F>(self, f: F) -> <B as Wrapped<Type>>::Outer
        where B: Wrapped<Type>, F: Fn(Self::Inner) -> <B as Wrapped<Type>>::Outer;

trait Wrapped<Type> {
    type Outer : Wrapper<Type>;

struct Opt;

impl<T> Wrapped<Opt> for T {
    type Outer = Option<T>;

impl<T> Wrapper<Opt> for Option<T> {
    type Inner = T;
    fn bind<B, F>(self, f: F) -> <B as Wrapped<Opt>>::Outer
        where B: Wrapped<Opt>, F: Fn(Self::Inner) -> <B as Wrapped<Opt>>::Outer {
        match self {
            Some(a) => f(a),
            None => None,  // *** fails to compile

很明显,<B as Wrapped<Opt>>::Outer 类型必须始终是 Option<B>,但 rustc 似乎无法弄清楚这一点:

src/main.rs:47:21: 47:25 error: mismatched types:
 expected `<B as Wrapped<Opt>>::Outer`,
    found `core::option::Option<_>`
(expected associated type,
    found enum `core::option::Option`) [E0308]
src/main.rs:47             None => None,

有什么办法可以让它相信这是安全的吗?我什至会接受 unsafe 解决方案,但是 mem::transmute 也是不允许的,因为它不能证明类型是相同的大小和对齐的(即使只涉及一种真实类型而不是甚至任何可能会弄乱对齐的新型包装器)。

这很可能是一个错误(this one or that one,我不确定)。在修复之前,我只能考虑做一些自定义的不安全技巧。这是一个在运行时进行大小相等性检查的转换函数。

unsafe fn runtime_transmute<T, U>(t: T) -> U {
    assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<T>(), std::mem::size_of::<U>());
    std::ptr::read(&t as *const _ as *const _)

现在您可以将 None 值替换为

unsafe { runtime_transmute(None::<T>) }