Scope 在 GoogleApiClient 中有什么作用?

What does Scope do in GoogleApiClient?

谁能解释一下 addScope(Scope scope) 方法在 GoogleApiClient.

new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
.addScope(Plus.SCOPE_PLUS_LOGIN)// what really does this?

Scopes are strings that enable access to particular resources, such as user data.

请参阅doc and scopes summary


如果您的应用程序需要从用户 google 驱动器帐户中读取数据,那么您将请求 which grants you "read-only access to file metadata and file content" however if you need to be able to upload to google drive you may want to ask for 授予 "Full, permissive scope to access all of a user's files."

Scope 定义授予应用程序的访问范围。


This is the recommended login scope providing access to social features. This scope implicitly includes the profile scope and also requests that your app be given access to:
* the age range of the authenticated user
* the list of circled people that the user has granted your app access to know
* the methods for reading, writing and deleting app activities (moments) to Google on behalf of the user
In addition, this scope enables cross-platform single sign-on.