包含int和string的List of List,需要根据TrackBar输出X个int值最大的字符串(不是排序的list)

A List of Lists containing int and string, need to output X strings with highest int values based on TrackBar (not a sorted list)


"Then a sentence woop", 340 
"and another one",      256
"in order they appear", 700
"in a linked file",     304


所以去掉得分最低的句子,问题是列表是按照原文中出现的句子排序的,输出需要按照这个顺序。所以如果我有上面列表的轨迹栏,它会有 4 个点。如果我把它移到第 3 点,第 2 句就会消失,第 2 点第 2 句和第 4 句就会消失。


    public List<ScoredSentence> buildSummarySentenceList()
        List<ScoredSentence> ultimateScoreslist = new List<ScoredSentence>();
        scoreCoord2 = -1;
        for (int x1 = 0; x1 < results.Length; x1++)
            List<ScoredSentence> paragraphsScorelist = new List<ScoredSentence>();
            for (int x2 = 0; x2 < results[x1].Length; x2++)
                paragraphsScorelist.Add(new ScoredSentence(results[x1][x2], intersectionSentenceScores[scoreCoord2]));
            var maxValue = paragraphsScorelist.Max(s => s.score);

            string topSentence = paragraphsScorelist.First(s => s.score == maxValue).sentence;
            int topScore = paragraphsScorelist.First(s => s.score == maxValue).score;

            ultimateScoreslist.Add(new ScoredSentence(topSentence, topScore));
        return ultimateScoreslist;

    public class ScoredSentence
        public string sentence { get; set; }
        public int score { get; set; }

        public ScoredSentence(string sentence, int score)
            this.sentence = sentence;
            this.score = score;



    protected void summaryOutput()
        List<ScoredSentence> ultimateScoreslist = buildSummarySentenceList();
        trackBSummaryPercent.Maximum = ultimateScoreslist.Count;
        lblNoOfLines.Text += trackBSummaryPercent.Maximum.ToString();
        //make 2 lists for the reduction????
        for (var x = 0; x < ultimateScoreslist.Count; x++)
            TextboxSummary.Text += ultimateScoreslist[x].sentence + "\n";

我想过在跟踪栏的每个 onchange tick 上有第二个克隆列表并删除最低值的条目。然后,当向上移动栏以某种方式将丢失的条目从克隆列表中移回时。我不喜欢这种方法,因为它可能会导致程序速度问题,例如当我当前的测试文本长 100 段时,并且移动轨迹栏很多可能会使其变慢。

将显示的 属性 添加到您的 ScoredSentence 对象。然后每当列表发生变化,或者轨迹栏选择发生变化时,运行 这个方法就可以更新显示元素的集合。主列表应始终按照您希望显示的顺序排序。 numberToDisplay 将通过您使用的任何方式计算 UI 到项目数。

public void OnUpdate()
   var orderedEnumerable = ScoresList.OrderByDescending (s => s.Score);

   foreach (var s in orderedEnumerable.Take (numberToDisplay)) 
      s.Displayed = true;
   foreach (var s in orderedEnumerable.Skip(numberToDisplay)) 
      s.Displayed = false;


ScoredSentences.Where(s=> s.Displayed);