实施单例包装器 class 也验证 'the singleton constructor is private'

Implementing a singleton wrapper class that also verifies 'the singleton constructor is private'

我制作了一个单例包装器模板 class,它提供 instance() 成员函数,并且还应该断言单例 class 是否具有 private 构造函数。定义如下:

template <
    class T,
    class = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_constructible<T>::value, void>::type
class singleton {
    static T& instance() {
        static T inst;
        return inst;

当我定义单例时 class 如:

class class_with_public_constr
 : public singleton<class_with_public_constr> {
    class_with_public_constr() {}
    friend class singleton<class_with_public_constr>;

代码通过了 enable_if 断言。我的 singleton class 模板有什么问题?


您可以简化代码如下,并在构造函数为 public(即不是 privateprotected

template<typename T>
class singleton
    // Below constructor is always invoked, because the wannabe singleton class will derive this class
    singleton () {
        static_assert(!std::is_constructible<T>::value, "the constructor is public");

    static T& instance();

客户端 class 如下所示:

class A : public singleton<A> 
  friend class singleton<A>;   
//public:  // <---------- make it `public` & you get the error!
  A() {}

这里是 demo.