Excel 将重复值移动到新值 sheet

Excel Moving duplicate values to new sheet

我根据发现的点点滴滴编译了这段代码 - 我绝不是专家 - 更像是一个热心的学生 - 这段代码对我有用,但现在我需要保留第一次出现的重复行保留原始作品sheet,仅将后续出现的作品移至新创作的作品sheet。

如果需要,我愿意重做所有代码,但为了节省时间,我更愿意修改现有的 vba

Sub moveduplicates

'** This proc expects you to select all the cells in a single **
'** column that you want to check for duplicates in. If dup-  **
'** licates are found, the entire row will be copied to the   **
'** predetermined sheet.                                      **

Set Rng = ActiveCell

    Dim s As Range
    Set s = Selection

    Cells.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
    Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "Duplicate Values"
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
    Sheets("Duplicate Values").Select

    s.Select 'NOT Activate - possibly more than one cell!

Dim ShO As Worksheet
Dim Rng1 As Range
Dim pRow As Integer
Dim c As Range, cTmp As Range
Dim found
Dim Addresses() As String
Dim a() As String
Dim p2 As Integer
Dim tfFlag As Boolean, sTmp As Variant

Set ShO = Worksheets("Duplicate Values") 'You can change this to whatever worksheet name you want                    the duplicates in Set Rng1 = Application.InputBox("Select a range", "Obtain Range Object", Type:=8)

MsgBox "The cells selected were " & Rng.Address 'Rng1 is all the currently selected cells
pRow = 2 'This is the first row in our output sheet that will be used to record duplicates
ReDim a(0) 'Initialize our array that holds found values

For Each c In Rng1.Cells 'Cycle through each cell in our selected range
ReDim Addresses(0) 'This array holds the cell address for our duplicates.
               'We will reset the array each time we move to the next cell

Now check the array of already found duplicates.
If the current value is already there skip to next value
tfFlag = False
For Each sTmp In a
If CStr(c.Value) = sTmp Or CStr(c.Value) = "xXDeleteXx" Then 'We've already done this value, move         on
    tfFlag = True
    Exit For
End If

If Not tfFlag Then 'Remember the flag is true when we have already located the
                   'duplicates for this value, so skip to next value
    With Rng1
        Set found = .Find(c.Value, LookIn:=xlValues) 'Search entire selected range for value
        If Not found Is Nothing Then 'Found it
            Addresses(0) = found.Address 'Record the address we found it
            Do 'Now keep finding occurances of it
                Set found = .FindNext(found)
                If found.Address <> Addresses(0) Then
                    ReDim Preserve Addresses(UBound(Addresses) + 1)
                    Addresses(UBound(Addresses)) = found.Address
                End If
            Loop While Not found Is Nothing And found.Address <> Addresses(0) 'Until we get back to the original address

            If UBound(Addresses) > 0 Then 'We Found Duplicates
                a(UBound(a)) = c.Value 'Record the value we found a duplicate for in an array
                'ReDim Preserve a(UBound(a) + 1) 'add an empty spot to the array for next value

                'ShO.Range("A" & pRow).Value = "Duplicate Rows for Value " & c.Value & _
                          " in Column " & c.Column & " on original sheet" 'Add a label row
                'pRow = pRow + 1 'Increment to the next row
                For p2 = UBound(Addresses) To 0 Step -1 'Cycle through the duplicate addresses
                    Set cTmp = Rng1.Worksheet.Range(Addresses(p2)) 'we just want to easily get the correct row to copy
                    Rng1.Worksheet.Rows(cTmp.Row).Copy ShO.Rows(pRow) 'Copy form orig to duplicates sheet
                        cTmp.Value = "xXDeleteXx" 'Mark for Delete the original row
                    pRow = pRow + 1 'Increment row counter
                Next p2
                'Row = pRow + 1 'This increment will give us a blank row between sets of duplicates
            End If
        End If
    End With
End If
 'Now go delete all the marked rows

 tfFlag = False
 For Each c In Rng1
If c.Value = "xXDeleteXx" Then
    Rng1.Worksheet.Rows(c.Row).Delete (xlShiftUp)
    tfFlag = True
End If
Loop Until tfFlag = False
'AutoFit Every Worksheet Column in a Workbook
For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
Next sht

Application.Goto Rng
   End Sub




Sub RemoveDupes(TempWB As Workbook, TargetSheet As String, ConcatCols As String, DeleteTF As Boolean)
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim Formula As String
Dim RowCount As Integer
Dim StartingCol As String
Dim CurrentRow As Integer

    '   Remove duplicate rows on a worksheet                                    '

        '   Prerequisites:
        '   - Data needs to start @ A1
        '   - Data has headings in row 1

' determine number of rows to be processed
RowCount = TempWB.Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(TempWB.Sheets(TargetSheet).Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

' insert a column to hold the calculate unique key
TempWB.Sheets(TargetSheet).Columns("A:A").Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
' add a heading
TempWB.Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(1, 1).Value = "Duplication Check"

' insert the unique key formula
For CurrentRow = 2 To RowCount

    ' start the formula string
    Formula = "="
    ' construct the formula
    For Counter = 1 To Len(ConcatCols)
        ' if we are on the last element, dont add another '&'
        If Counter = Len(ConcatCols) Then
            Formula = Formula & AddLetter(Mid(ConcatCols, Counter, 1)) & CurrentRow
            Formula = Formula & AddLetter(Mid(ConcatCols, Counter, 1)) & CurrentRow & "&"
        End If
        ' Debug.Print Mid(ConcatCols, Counter, 1)'Next
    ' next element!

    ' insert the newly constructed formula
    TempWB.Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(CurrentRow, "A").Formula = Formula

' next row

' unfortunately we need to use explicit selection here *sigh*
' to select the range we are going to test
TempWB.Sheets(TargetSheet).Range("A2:A" & TempWB.Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Select

' clock down the list flagging each dupe by changing the text color
Dim d As Object, e
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
For Each e In Intersect(Columns(ActiveCell.Column), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
    If e.Value <> vbNullString Then
        If Not d.exists(e.Value) Then d(e.Value) = 1 Else _
            e.Font.ColorIndex = 4
    End If

' if the delete flag is set...
If DeleteTF Then
    ' then go down the list deleting rows...
    For CurrentRow = RowCount To 2 Step -1

        ' if the row has been highlighted, its time to go...
        If TempWB.Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(CurrentRow, "A").Font.ColorIndex = 4 Then

            TempWB.Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(CurrentRow, "A").EntireRow.Delete

        End If

    ' If we are deleting rows, remove the column just like we were never here
    TempWB.Sheets(TargetSheet).Cells(1, "A").EntireColumn.Delete
End If

End Sub

Function AddLetter(Letter As String)
    ' gives you the next letter
    AddLetter = Split(Cells(, Range(Letter & 1).Column + 1).Address, "$")(1)
End Function



Sub RemoveDups()

Dim c As Range, dict, rngDel As Range, rw As Long
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim shtDups As Worksheet
Dim rng1 As Range

    Set rng1 = Selection 'assuming you've selected a single column of values
                         '  from which you want to remove dups

    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    Set shtDups = wb.Worksheets.Add( _
    shtDups.Name = "Duplicate Values"

    With rng1.Parent
        .Range(.Range("A2"), .Range("A2").End(xlToRight)).Copy _
    End With

    rw = 2

    Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")

    For Each c In rng1.Cells
        'already seen this value?
        If dict.exists(c.Value) Then
            c.EntireRow.Copy shtDups.Cells(rw, 1)
            rw = rw + 1
            'add row to "delete" range
            If rngDel Is Nothing Then
                Set rngDel = c
                Set rngDel = Application.Union(c, rngDel)
            End If
            'first time for this value - add to dictionary
            dict.Add c.Value, 1
        End If
    Next c

    'delete all duplicate rows (if found)
    If Not rngDel Is Nothing Then
    End If

End Sub

这将在指定列中搜索重复项,将后续重复项复制到 Sheet2,然后从 Sheet1 中删除它们。

我也使用过脚本词典,但您需要添加对 "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" 的引用才能使代码按原样工作。 (如果您想了解字典,添加参考会有所帮助,因为它将字典添加到 Intellitype 代码完成内容中)

Sub Main()

Dim SearchColumn As Integer: SearchColumn = 2 ' column to search for duplicates

Dim Source As Worksheet: Set Source = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim Duplicates As Worksheet: Set Duplicates = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")

Dim List As Dictionary: Set List = New Dictionary ' used to hold the first instance of unique items

Dim Data As Variant ' holds a copy of the column you want to search
Dim Count As Integer ' hold the size of said column
Dim Index As Integer ' iterator for data
Dim Item As String ' holds the current item

Count = Source.Cells(Source.Rows.Count, SearchColumn).End(xlUp).Row

Set Data = Source.Range(Source.Cells(1, SearchColumn).Address, Source.Cells(Count, SearchColumn).Address)

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

' first loop, find unique items and copy duplicates
For Index = 1 To Count

    Item = Data(Index, 1)

    If List.Exists(Item) = False Then
        ' add the item to our dictionary of items
        List.Add Item, Index
        ' add item to duplicates sheet as its a duplicate
        Duplicates.Rows(1).Insert xlShiftDown
    End If

Next Index

' second loop, remove duplicates from original sheet
For Index = Count To 1 Step -1

    Item = Data(Index, 1)

    If List.Exists(Item) Then

        If Not List(Item) = Index Then
            ' the item is a duplicate and needs to be removed
        End If
    End If

Next Index

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub