在版本 6.1 和 6.2 之间对 IBM Worklight JSONStore API 进行了哪些更改?

What changes were made to the IBM Worklight JSONStore API between versions 6.1 and 6.2?

似乎作为从 IBM Worklight 6.1 和 6.2 过渡的一部分,对 JSONStore API 进行了更改。具体来说,它看起来好像 load() 方法(以及其他方法)were deprecated

看来此方法的替代方法是使用 MobileFirst Platform 6.3 的 change() API that's part of JSONStoreInstance to refresh data from an adapter call (i.e. syncing it from the backend), and to mark it as "clean" along the way. I make this inference from the most recent versions of the JSONStore tutorial

但是,据我所知,知识中心的“what's new in 6.2”部分并未讨论对 JSONStore 的这一更改。

有人可以确认这确实是预期的更改吗?是否有更多关于 6.1 和 6.2 之间公开可用的 JSONStore 支持的变化的信息?

记录了在 v6.2 中使用 JSONStore 和外部数据 here. There are APIs for transactions (i.e. startTransaction, commitTransaction, rollbackTransaction). There are security utilities here. There's an advancedFind API that uses QueryPart objects and other find API improvements (i.e. filter, sort). There's also a native JSONStore API for Android and iOS with examples here. The structure of the documentation changed and new sections got added (e.g. general terminology) while some old sections got updated. There's a way to enable the collection of analytics information (e.g. file size, operation time) from JSONStore (Android & iOS, hybrid & native) to the Operational Analytics console, that's documented here。还有用于 Windows Phone 8 和 Windows 8.

的混合 JSONStore API
