Scala - 在 try-catch 块中跳出循环

Scala - Breaking out of a loop in a try-catch block

我有以下 Scala 代码:

breakable {
  someFile.foreach { anotherFile =>
    anotherFile.foreach { file =>
      try {
        val booleanVal = getBoolean(file)
        if (booleanVal) break //break out of the try/catch + both loops
      } catch {
        case e: Throwable => //do something

if (booleanVal) break 不起作用,因为 Scala 似乎让它作为例外工作。如何跳出这个嵌套循环?

if (booleanVal) break 移出 try 块:

val booleanVal = try { 
} catch {
  case e: Throwable => //do something
if (booleanVal) break // break out of the try/catch + both loops

我建议你不要使用 break,首先这是丑陋的 :) 其次,这是不可读的。 也许你会喜欢这样的东西:

for {
  anotherFile <- someFile
  file <- anotherFile
  b <- Try(getBoolean(file))
} /// do something


for {
    anotherFile <- someFile
    file <- anotherFile
} Try{ if(!getBoolean(file)) /* */ } match {
  case onSuccess(v) =>
  case onFailure(e: Throwable) =>