无法使用 Graph API 2.3 post 到 FB 页面

Unable to post to FB page using Graph API 2.3


我创建了一个 FB 应用程序,用于 post(作为页面)到 FB 中的页面。

通过调试,我得到了整个 URL 作为:


"access code" 是页面访问代码,我还在 URL 中包含了 "page-id" 。我引用FB文档:

When a user access token of a Page admin is in the request such as POST /v2.3/{page-id}/feed, the action occurs with the voice of the user, instead of the Page. To publish as the Page, you must now use the Page access token.

运行 我从 FB 收到以下错误代码: "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden."

如果我使用 FB Graph Explorer 做同样的事情,我会收到以下错误:

{ "error": { "message": "(#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action", "type": "OAuthException", "code": 200, "fbtrace_id": "GgRkiy/i6tP" } }

现在,许多 post 会建议为应用程序添加必要的权限,但我目前已批准以下内容:

email, manage_pages, public_profile, publish_actions, publish_pages, user_friends, user_managed_groups



"The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action" 通常只表示一件事:您的访问令牌缺少正确的权限。在这种情况下,它将是 publish_pages。你绝对应该有 manage_pages,因为你需要它来获得页面令牌。这些是您 post 访问页面 "as Page".


确保在获取页面令牌之前使用 publish_pages 授权用户。