如何在 r 中使列动态化

How to make column dynamic in r

以上代码计算群组保留率。队列是加入的月份。因此,该代码计算了 2015 年 5 月加入的客户数量,以及每月活跃的客户数量。最终输出存储在数据框 df1 中(如下所示)

我需要帮助创建动态列名,这些名称目前在 ddply 函数中是硬编码的。 M0 表示加入月份,M1 表示加入后第 1 个月,M2 表示加入后 2 个月,M(n) 应该是变量。这可以通过从最早的加入日期减去最远的到期日期来计算。

不幸的是,我无法动态地自动计算 M0 到 M(n) 的范围。

这是我的代码转储,它可以工作但不是最佳的,因为我已将 M0 到 M3 硬编码为 ddply 函数中的变量。因此,如果我的输入数据有一个订阅期超过 5 个月的客户,我的代码将失败。


customer    dj       exp
abc      01/05/15   25/06/15
efg      01/05/15   25/07/15
ghd      01/05/15   25/07/15
mkd      01/06/15   25/07/15
kskm     01/06/15   05/08/15



    dj<-c("2015-05-01", "2015-05-01", "2015-05-01","2015-06-01","2015-06-01")
    exp<-c("2015-06-25", "2015-07-25", "2015-07-25","2015-07-01","2015-08-05")
    df$dj <- as.Date(df$dj,"%d/%m/%y")
    df$exp <- as.Date(df$exp,"%d/%m/%y")

    # The data in the file has different variable names than your example data
    # so I'm changing them to match
    names(df)[1:3] <- c("customer","dj","exp")

    # Make a variable called Cohort that contains only the year and month of joining
    # as.yearmon() comes from the 'zoo' package
    df$Cohort <- as.yearmon(df$dj)

    # Calculate the difference in months between date of expiry and date of joining
    df$MonthDiff <- ceiling((df$exp-df$dj)/30)
    #df$MonthDiff <- 12*(as.yearmon(df$exp+months(1))-df$Cohort)


    # Use ddply() from the 'plyr' package to get the frequency of subjects that are
    # still active after 0, 1, 2, and 3 months.

    df1 <- ddply(df,.(Cohort),summarize,
                 M0 = sum(MonthDiff > 0), 
                 M1 = sum(MonthDiff > 1),
                 M2 = sum(MonthDiff > 2),
                 M3 = sum(MonthDiff > 3)



    Cohort M0 M1 M2 M3 
1 May 2015  3  3  2  0  
2 Jun 2015  2  2  1  0 

以上是输出工作输出。要求是使列 M0 到 M3 动态

尝试在创建后插入这个 range:

for(i in 0:range) df <- within(df,assign(paste0("M",i),MonthDiff>i))

df1 <- ddply(df,.(Cohort),function(x) colSums(x[,paste0("M",0:range)]))

#     Cohort M0 M1 M2 M3
# 1 May 2015  3  3  2  0
# 2 Jun 2015  2  1  1  0