如何将 hyperloglog 键迁移到 azure redis
How to migrate hyperloglog key to azure redis
我正在尝试使用 MIGRATE command, but as far as i know MIGRATE doesn't support moving key to a redis server which requires authentication.
将 redis hyperloglog 密钥从一台服务器迁移到 azure redis 服务
那我该如何迁移 hyperlolog 密钥?
您可以在任何客户端上对其进行编码,HyperLogLog 只是一个字符串。您可能可以在源服务器上获取字符串并在目标服务器上设置。
x = Server1.StringGet(key);
Server2.StringSet(key, x);
我正在尝试使用 MIGRATE command, but as far as i know MIGRATE doesn't support moving key to a redis server which requires authentication.
将 redis hyperloglog 密钥从一台服务器迁移到 azure redis 服务那我该如何迁移 hyperlolog 密钥?
您可以在任何客户端上对其进行编码,HyperLogLog 只是一个字符串。您可能可以在源服务器上获取字符串并在目标服务器上设置。
x = Server1.StringGet(key);
Server2.StringSet(key, x);