Scala case class 在接收方法中不匹配(在 akka actors 中)

Scala case class is not matched in receive method (in akka actors)


class ProbeActor extends Actor {
  case class Probe(messageKey: String)
  def receiveProbe: Receive = {
    case Probe(probeKey) => println("Good probe: "+probeKey)
    case x => println("Bad probe: "+ x)
  final override def receive = receiveProbe orElse receiveOther
  def receiveOther: Receive = {
    case _ => println("Other")


class Prober extends ProbeActor {
  val definite = ActorSystem("ProbeTest").actorOf(Props[ProbeActor], name = "probed")
  implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 second)
  val future = definite ? Probe("key")

我希望应该打印文本 "Good probe: key",但我得到 "Bad probe: Probe(key)"


经过更多搜索,我在 上找到了答案:

I think the underlying misconception is about the identity of nested class types.


class A { class B }

each new instance of class A x creates a new type x.B. And if you do the plain pattern match inside of A you are referring to the specific instance of the type B this.B.

一种在 Probe 上进行模式匹配而不将其移出 class 的方法是

case probe: ProbeActor#Probe => println("Good probe: "+probe.messageKey)

当然,把它移到外面(比如移到伴生对象)是更好的解决办法;正如 Archeg 提到的,特别是在 Akka 中,以避免直接引用演员。