如何使用 OnTouchListener 获取对象的正确坐标(event.getX() / event.getY())

How to get correct coords(event.getX() / event.getY()) of Object with OnTouchListener


我真正想要的是通过对象的 coords(X,Y) 和 OnTouchListener(orange square 中间有点)。



public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) {

    switch (event.getAction()) {
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:

            Bitmap mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(sourceBitmap,view.getX() - view.getWidth(),view.getY()-view.getHeight(),250,250);
            //other stuff to fill this portion of bitmap

    return true;


我怎样才能做到这一点? 尝试了很多公式,但没有运气。有什么建议么?

PS 据我了解 event.getX()/event.getY() 越来越相对坐标(我不清楚,从带有触摸侦听器的图像视图对象(中心有点的橙色正方形)得到的坐标到底是什么),我的意思是它得到这个对象的 centerTop.Left 角(X,Y)) ?


使用 event.getX() 而不是 view.getX()view.getX() return 您正在触摸的视图的位置,而不是您感兴趣的触摸事件。

这是可能会反转的 Y 坐标。


event.getY() 是反转的 Y 位置,所以 getHeight() - event.getY() 会给你你想要的 Y 位置。


在MOTION_MOVE情况下getX和getY return是最近的并且保持着历史数据。我想最近的一张是最有价值的,因为那是你要画的地方。


批处理 - http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/MotionEvent.html

For efficiency, motion events with ACTION_MOVE may batch together multiple movement samples within a single object. The most current pointer coordinates are available using getX(int) and getY(int). Earlier coordinates within the batch are accessed using getHistoricalX(int, int) and getHistoricalY(int, int). The coordinates are "historical" only insofar as they are older than the current coordinates in the batch; however, they are still distinct from any other coordinates reported in prior motion events. To process all coordinates in the batch in time order, first consume the historical coordinates then consume the current coordinates.


                float xCord = event.getRawX()-v.getX();
                float yCord = event.getRawY()-v.getY();

我有一个带有 OnTouchListener 的对象(orange square)(例如,他是一个四边形,大小为 50dp Height/ 50dp Width).
所以 view.getX()/view.getY() 获取对象(具有 OnTouchListener)的相对坐标(中心)。

//imageview parameters ,where i will show this part of bitmap
int Width = img.getWidth();
int Height = img.getHeight();
//after this,i make margin of my coords,via this simple formula -> Current Coord X - Width / 2 (same for Y)
 Bitmap mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(sourceBitmap,view.getX() - Width / 2,view.getY()-Height / 2,Width,Height);  


遗憾的是,如果您想真正解决视图范围内的事件,则没有简单的方法来解决这个问题。这仍然发生在某些硬件的 Android Pie 上。解决奇怪的触摸事件的唯一方法是比较最后 3 个事件,如果在 ACTION_MOVE 期间没有奇怪的移动,然后再渲染视图的位置。下面是在循环视图中检查事件时的示例。假设您创建了一个 new double[3] 临时变量:

     * This detects if your finger movement is a result of an actual raw touch event of if it's from a view jitter.
     * This uses 3 events of rotation as temporary storage so that differentiation between swapping touch events can be determined.
     * @param newRotationValue
    private boolean isRotationTouchEventConsistent(final double newRotationValue) {
        double evalValue = newRotationValue;

        if (Double.compare(newRotationStore[2], newRotationStore[1]) != 0) {
            newRotationStore[2] = newRotationStore[1];
        if (Double.compare(newRotationStore[1], newRotationStore[0]) != 0) {
            newRotationStore[1] = newRotationStore[0];

        newRotationStore[0] = evalValue;

        if (Double.compare(newRotationStore[2], newRotationStore[0]) == 0
                || Double.compare(newRotationStore[1], newRotationStore[0]) == 0
                || Double.compare(newRotationStore[2], newRotationStore[1]) == 0

                //Is the middle event the odd one out
                || (newRotationStore[0] > newRotationStore[1] && newRotationStore[1] < newRotationStore[2])
                || (newRotationStore[0] < newRotationStore[1] && newRotationStore[1] > newRotationStore[2])
        ) {
            return false;
        return true;