如何使用 'DBAccess' iOS ORM 执行事件触发操作

How do I perform event trigger operations with 'DBAccess' iOS ORM

我在 Xcode 7.1.1.

中使用 DBAccess 框架 v1.6.12


  1. 现有特定时期数据的'longest'参数变为'NO'。
  2. 找到最长的行 'text'。
  3. 将其行的 'longest' 参数更改为 'YES'。


@interface NoteModel : DBObject
@property uint32_t dateYMD; // not unique
@property BOOL longest; // default value is NO
@property NSString *text;

- (void)test {
    NoteModel *obj = [NoteModel new];
    obj.dateYMD = 20151201;
    obj.text = @"hoge";
    [obj commit]; //< HERE I want to fire the event trigger

DBObject#entityWillInsert 只是 return BOOL 值,没有更改信息。


- (BOOL)entityWillInsert;
- (BOOL)entityWillUpdate;
- (BOOL)entityWillDelete;
- (void)entityDidInsert;
- (void)entityDidUpdate;
- (void)entityDidDelete;

从你的例子来看,虽然我可能不太清楚你在问什么,但我会使用 entityWillInsert/Update 方法来查询可能更长的其他对象,然后你可以更新 最长相应标记。


- (BOOL)entityWillInsert {

    // see if we have any existing records with a longer text field
    self.longest = [[[NoteModel query] whereWithFormat:@"length(text) > length(%@)", self.text] count] ? NO:YES;

    // now if this is to be the longest then we will need to ensure that the current record is updated too.
    if(self.longest) { 
       for (NoteModel* r in [[[NoteModel query] where:@"longest = 1"] fetch]) {
            r.longest = NO;
           [r commit];

    // you must return yes to ensure the ORM knows to complete the action
    return YES;
